New Member
Hi, I have a 48 gal nano marine, with 8 kilo of live rock and sand, temp is 70 72, the bloke i bought it from said it had been running for a year, came with blue wrasse, blue hermit crab and have a few snails too, everything was fine, I bought some live algae to lower nitrates and put it in the tank, it was in for two days and my new clown fish and wrasse has died....what did i do wrong? I done a 10% water change with RO water, as the bloke said he had done it a week before. On the hydrometer it said salinity was too low @ 1.020 so I added some salt mix and now it is reading 1.024, Power heads are fine, skimmer is fine, heater and everything is ok....snails and crabs seem fine just fish perished overnight?? Any suggestions please?