Please help!!!


Hi everyone,
I'm new at this, and I mean very new. I've been reading and doing research for some time now, and I can say that its more confusing now than it was before I started.:nervous:
Anyway, my question is....I got 40 gallon all -glass tank....can you please tell me what exactly I need to set it up? What kind of lightning is the best? How much LS/LR do I need for my size? What kind of filters do I need? Does it have to be wet/dry? Do I need overflow box or not? All responses will be very much appreciated by me and my kid, who is getting very impation of seeing empty tank in my garage...:rolleyes::help:


Active Member
Lighting depends on what you intend to keep. Regular NO flourescent if fine for fish and inverts. You will need higher intensity for corals (again depending on which ones).
1 - 1.5 lbs. per gallon is the common guideline for LR. That also depends on the rock density and the desired appearance.
How much sand you'll need depends on how deep you'd like it to be. Many people prefer a DSB (deep sand bed) of about 4-6". Some people prefer less. All I can say is try searching here and read as much as possible on the subject of DSBs and decide what is best for you.
You do not NEED to have a wet-dry. I had a successful 55g running a canister. Some people have only LR/LS and a skimmer.


Active Member
Buy a book and read it together. This way you and your child will both better understand what is happening in your tank.
Suggestions include:
Natural Reef Aquariums by John Tullock
The Concientious Marine Aquariust by Fenner
These are both very very similar books, don't bother buying both of them. Read them and you will have all the information you need.
Any questions that arise can be asked on here. You came to the right place.


Thanks for the help

I have couple of more stupid questions....What do I do first? Put LS/LR and then add water? Does it make differnce how you do it? I'm planning of getting LS/LR over the net, so do I have to start my tank as soon as I get it?
Thanx everyone


I will try to help....but am no expert.
Put your substrate(LS) in first, then the water. You will want to put a plate or two on top of your sand before putting the water in. This will help with the sandstorm.
Your LR is it cured? need to find out, because it will determine how long you will cycle your tank before adding fish.
Once you get everything in the tank, read your research on cycling your tank. And you should be good to go.


Active Member
For a new empty tank, it may be easier to mix your water directly in the tank itself (leaving enough room for LR/LS). Make sure your filtration and plumbing is all working correctly. Then add your rock to the tank to give it a stable base and then add the sand.
Ordering LR off the net is a good choice. It should have an ample amount of die-off from shipping to get your cycle going. Takes around 3-6 weeks for a new tank to cycle. That should give you some time to further research.


i wouldnt buy a saltwater book. go to a library, and use the interet. between those 2 sources and talking to people that have the tanks already i think is the best way to learn