please help!


I have a yellow tang which i bought about a week ago. he is becoming a yelowish brown color and today i noticed a cut from his upper fins to the middle of his stomach. My ammonia is 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, salinity 1.024 temp 80. its a 30 gallon tank and has been set up for about 3 months now. Can anybody help?


the cut may be caused by him rubbing on rocks. Does he have ich? When your lights have been on for a few minutes, does his color change back to yellow. What other fish are in there with him? I was told by other members on the board that a 30 gal tank isn't larg enough for a yellow tang because the need alot of room for swimming. This too could be the reason for the cut.


Well Trey, not in the technical mood today? Slice, spilling guts? God forbid you start talking like the rest of us... ;) :D