Please HELP!!!


New Member
Can anyone help?? When I make a post, it says my HTML code is OFF and it also says my code is OFF also. And I cant figure out how to change them to ON. As a result, I cant get my pics to post.
Ive went into my user control panel...but dont see any option to change these codes to ON.


Active Member
Simply use the option on the reply screen to browse your hard drive for a picture. There's a message box, and a browse button right next to it.
Due to several members awhile back, during a free giveaway contest had for best pictures, abusing copyright laws, image tags were turned off. It's not exactly a perfect fix, but regardless, we all have to suffer for the abuses of a few.
500 X500 pixels is the most you can go so that lower resolution members don't have to side scroll. Just reply to this, and you will see the browse button next to the message box.


New Member

Originally posted by sammystingray
Simply use the option on the reply screen to browse your hard drive for a picture. There's a message box, and a browse button right next to it.
Due to several members awhile back, during a free giveaway contest had for best pictures, abusing copyright laws, image tags were turned off. It's not exactly a perfect fix, but regardless, we all have to suffer for the abuses of a few.
500 X500 pixels is the most you can go so that lower resolution members don't have to side scroll. Just reply to this, and you will see the browse button next to the message box.

Well thank you but I've already tried that exact same process and I ended up having to delete my entire post cause the picture didnt show up with it. I didnt get any error message saying my file was too big or anything :notsure: Ill try again with this post...if theres no picture here, then assume it didnt work...again


New Member
Yeah, see, it didnt work again. But I noticed that now the code thingy says ON, so let me try that way...if theres no pic below, then you know it didnt work.
If this pic works...this is a pic of my bleached LR...
EDITED: Nope, didnt work, just shows the url address with the[img]tags around it.
Does it matter what site Im hosting my pics on?? I use Snapfish.


I know they don't like links to any other site on these boards, so that might be why its not working. Try to upload the picture using the option towards the bottom of the "post" screen.


New Member

Originally posted by rossim
I know they don't like links to any other site on these boards, so that might be why its not working. Try to upload the picture using the option towards the bottom of the "post" screen.

Ive tried it both ways...neither works. I post on other boards all the time so its not like I dont know what Im doing...but apparently somethin aint right. :notsure: I just cant figure out what it is. And if they dont like links from other sites on here...why do they even offer the ability to link a picture from another site if it wont work anyways. I have to host the picture somewhere if your going to link it, right?? Its not like your image says what site its linked from on it. Ugh, Im really frustrated right now. :mad:


Save the pic to you harddrive. Then use the "Attatch file" option and navigate to the pic on the harddrive. As long as its below 500x500 and a certain file size limit, it should post.

salty cheese

Active Member

Originally posted by rossim
Save the pic to you harddrive. Then use the "Attatch file" option and navigate to the pic on the harddrive. As long as its below 500x500 and a certain file size limit, it should post.

:yes: :yes: :yes:
Don't link it from another site, upload it from your computer.


New Member

Originally posted by rossim
Save the pic to you harddrive. Then use the "Attatch file" option and navigate to the pic on the harddrive. As long as its below 500x500 and a certain file size limit, it should post.

Babe, Im telling you, Ive done this at least 5 times now. It has not worked even once. I dont get any error message...the pic just doesnt show up with my post.


What kind of pic are you trying to attatch? I use .jpg and it usually works. If its a .bmp, they usually show up with a link to the file.


Aside from downsizing, you might try changing it to .gif and see if that works. I've had problems getting .jpg to load and switched to .gif and it worked for me.