Please Help


My tank is becoming a algae heaven. i have brown, green hairy, and deep red kinda hairy. I ahve tried phosphate sponge and it doesnt help. I think it might have to do with the fact that I used sand from the beach?? Any ideas. Its a 65 gallon with 2-92 power compacts + 65 watt power compact. my powerheads are old and they spit out tiny little bubbles. and I thought that may be a cause too. please help.. matt


How long has it been set up? Is it cycling? Do you have a clean up crew of critters? I cant help you with the powerhead cause mine does that too, I cant figure out how the air is in there when it is totally submerged, where does the air come from? Carrie


It has been set up for a little over a month or so now. My last one was set up for over a year and never did this. And I always used water from the faucet and the same power heads. I just changed sand. I have about 10 or 11 snails and a couple blue legs. and a brittle star. thats it for critters.. I started using distilled water one water change ago. but dont know if that helps.


Active Member
Sounds like diatoms. Fairly normal for a new tank. The distilled water would help. A larger cleanup crew (maybe another 40 snails) would also help.