please help


I am a newer salt fish hobbier and I have some ick looking stuff on 3 of my fish in the tank and they are not eating. I treated them with greenex parasite contro;er yesterday morning. There is no change in the fishes condition, What do I do now? JUST WAIT?? that is a hard thing to do. The bottle of greenex says to only treat once. Someone please help me:help:


is there any way to take a photo? If it is ick, do you have any inverts or corals in the tank? you can treat with copper or do hyposalinty, but not in the main tank. do a seardh on ick treatments on this site, there are a lot of good suggestions out there.


I do have inverts but do not have a copper tester that will be one of my next purchases. Once salt fish get ich is it usually doomsday for them or do you sometimes have some luck with treatment. I am pretty new on the message boards and do not exactly know how to add photos. thx for replying


no not necisarily. plenty of fish recover from ick, as long as it isn't a very severe case. it just needs to be treated. as long as the fish are still eating while they have it, don't worry too much. but i would still try to get rid of it.
do you have a quarentine tank?
here is a link from this forum that has all ick related topics. take a look and see if you can find something that might work for you. let me know if you have more questions.


i just realized you said they are not eating. try to entice them with some live brine or soak some of there normal food in garlic. might try to entice them to eat.


I have another tank but it is very new it has been cycleing for about a week but there is nothing in it yet I Guess that it would best not to put them in that one because of just the shock from a new tank. Things dont look good :nervous: I am not totally sure that it is ich the fish look like they are sheding a very thin skin off it may be some type of fungas could someone please help?