Please help.


New Member
I want to get some opinion on what kind of trace element or what to add to a fish tank to provide the best living condition for my fish. Has anyone heard or used Sea Lab block before. I read on the label, however it has all kinds of metal in in, copper,iron,Nickel, Tin and Zinc. Are they ok for plants and inverts?
Please help
I also want to set up a Quarantine tank now. I am think about using a Nano Cube. would the 12 gallon one do it, or 24? I will be getting just medium to small size fish only.
Thanks for the input


a 12 should do fine for QT.
DO NOT! put anything in your tank. buy good quality salt and change 10-15% of water 1-2 times per month. :happyfish


Active Member
Don't add anything that you can't test for. The 12 gallon would be good for a quarantine, but if you're buying one and want to stay small, go for a 10.


QT sounds good and I completley agree with the others, Just take a look at what is in all those additives, same thing you can find in a good healthy water change.


New Member
what do you suggest for good quality salt? I am thinking about a 24 nano cube, I have find a spot for it. So no additives at all? I see people have nice colorful rocks by using some of these additives. i am interested to know.
another question, I was reading another post, people keep saying check the voltage. should I get one of those grounding device for my tank?


The salt depends on the tank that you want, fish only, reef what?
If reef then I have finally been convinced to stay away from instant ocean, it just doens't do enough for a reef. Try Reef Crystals or Oceanic. Some others are good as well. Only additives you might need are alkalinity, calcium, and perhaps magnesium depending on how your salt mixes up. Wtih oceanic I have no problem with mag or calcium.
Yes I would use a ground probe, I made one for less than 5 bucks but you can purchase them as well.


New Member
Thanks alot for your input. It will be a fish only tank, but thinking about getting a couple of anenome to host a couple of clown. I guess it would be a mix of both. I would like some hardy corals.
One more questions. my LFS sell their water with very low salinity. about 1.017-1.018.
What would be the ideal water condition for fishes? temp. and salinity.
Also, I will set up a QT. I know you need to acclimate new fish. how about when you transfer fish from QT to Main Tank?