Please help


:help: My first Item I need addressed is I have a black film on the sand and LR does anyone know what it is and how to get rid of it All my levels are good I do use tap water without a purifier I read somthing about that. In my 55 gallon tank I have a yellow tang, clown fish, and a triggerfish, my trigger fish is kinda mean and I want to put some kind of clean up crew in my tank because of the alge but I am afraid he will eat them any suggestions? Any help will be greatly helpful, thank you in advance. :help:


Welcome to the SWF Message Board! If you could get a picture of the black film it would greatly help. You will find out people are extremely knowledgable and helpful here. Sorry I couldn't help


Active Member
Most likly cyano bacteria or slime algae. Most of the time the problem is current not enough flow on the sand.


Originally Posted by briant0625
:help: I do use tap water without a purifier . :help:
Probably your main problem right here.


my tank is 3 month old and I have not added anything to it I paid the extra money and got some already cured live rocks :mad:


Active Member
Do yourself a favor and either buy distilled water at the grocery store or buy a RO machine. Unfiltered tap water will lead to crazy microalgae growth, diatom growth and even dieoff of beneficial bacteria.
You can also do what my cheap arse does. I save my gallon water jugs and goto walmart to refill them. The machine there uses carbon filtration, RO filtration, UV filtration, and one more that I forget. Only costs me 33 cents per gallon.