please help


I am in desperate need. I have been fighting a green hairy algea problem for a month know. I have tested everything .
phospates 1
salinity 1.022
nitate 0
nititre 0
ph 8.3
please can anyone help


Active Member

Originally Posted by ashlatz
I am in desperate need. I have been fighting a green hairy algea problem for a month know. I have tested everything .
phospates 1
salinity 1.022
nitate 0
nititre 0
ph 8.3
please can anyone help
phospates 1
is your problem, cut back on feeding frozen foods if you do. If you don't, figure out where those phosphates are coming from. Usually overfeeding in general. Do you use tap water or RO? Tap can be a source of phosphates also.


Active Member
Your problem is that you're using tapwater. If you can't get RO or RO/DI water, the next best thing would be distilled water ..... definitely not tap. :D


ok how do i get the algea thats in the tank know out. alos is there a product i can add to my water instead of buying distiled water.


Do you all think that the lettuce nudibranch may help? ??? They sell it on this site!!!


Originally Posted by ashlatz
ok how do i get the algea thats in the tank know out. alos is there a product i can add to my water instead of buying distiled water.
i came home to find my tank over grown with green hair algae. (Vacation 2 weeks) I immediatly ordered some backup for my cleanup crew, (snails,crabs) Then I ordered a Magnum 350 filter with the vac attatchment. When it came I set it up and cleaned the tank like its never been cleaned before. No more hurrying so as not to remove to much water. You can take your time and really suck out the crap! My tank is pristine! Just remember that you have to stay on top of it after its cleaned up or you'll have a reoccurance of the H.A. and don't forget regular water changes, this is not a way to avoid regular water changes. :D


Wax, I have could feeding frozen food increase the phosphate. The food is sealed in its packege. How could tap water penatrate this....or os there another way this happens?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ashlatz
ok how do i get the algea thats in the tank know out. alos is there a product i can add to my water instead of buying distiled water.
The only sure way to remove the hair algae is starve its food source and remove what you can. Leaving tap water out 24 hours will do nothing for the phos. in the water. If your serious about this hobby, or intend on keeping a reef healthy and going for the duration there is hardly a better investment than getting a DI/RO filter. You can get one for around 100 bucks and when you start figuring out the cost per gallon it makes good sense to get it.