please help!!


i am really confused can someone help me out??? :notsure: first of all what are powerheads??? i have a 29 gallon tank that I just started out and i want coral eventuallybut dont you need some sort of water flow is that what powerheads are??? I have a marineland biowheel 200 filter that can filter up to 50 gallons so figure that is pretty powewrful for a 29 gallon tank. i know you need water flow but will my filter cover it??? and also i have a 24" light that came with the top it is an ecilpse light- so what kind of light do i need to have corals and anemones???and one more thing do you need a moonlight??? or can you subsitute having a powerful light with only a moonlight??? I would be grateful for any help


HI there.
I am rather new myself but the best advise I can give is to do a search here for the things you need to know.
Just type light advise on the search area.
Also, get some marine books from the library or purchase them. They give tons of information as to everything you asked about...but the search is a great tool here..
good luck!!


Staff member
Originally Posted by scottgotts
i am really confused can someone help me out??? :notsure: first of all what are powerheads???
Powerheads are in-tank pumps that just move water [circulation].
Originally Posted by scottgotts
i have a 29 gallon tank that I just started out and i want coral eventuallybut dont you need some sort of water flow is that what powerheads are???
Yes, they are used to move water throughout the tank. You can place them anywhere in the tank. There are a few ways to get water moving in reef tanks, or any thank for that matter.
Originally Posted by scottgotts

I have a marineland biowheel 200 filter that can filter up to 50 gallons so figure that is pretty powewrful for a 29 gallon tank. i know you need water flow but will my filter cover it???

Actually, its not in my opinion. Do you have a skimmer? Live rock? you can use some powerheads in areas of your tank that are getting low to no water movement.
Originally Posted by scottgotts

and also i have a 24" light that came with the top it is an ecilpse light- so what kind of light do i need to have corals and anemones???and one more thing do you need a moonlight??? or can you subsitute having a powerful light with only a moonlight??? I would be grateful for any help

I'm afraid the only thing you can keep with that lighting is fish. No corals, and definately no anemones. Moonlights are optional.
Have you read any books? You really need to do a lot of research. A good starting point is Robert Fernner's, "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist". Also, do a lot of asking question here. Try visiting our nano forum as well as the Reef forum.
Welcome to!


Active Member
In addition, read the FAQ forum. There is a thread in there that is all about starting up with a Saltwater tank. Let me see if I can find it.


Originally Posted by Beth
I'm afraid the only thing you can keep with that lighting is fish. No corals, and definately no anemones. Moonlights are optional.
so what kind of lighting do i need, can you be specfic? :notsure:


Active Member
Power Compact or Metal Halide. PC lights can support soft corals and some LPS coral. MH lights will allow you to house all SPS corals and clams.


At the least you could probably have Power Compact (PC) lighting - that will work for some anemones and soft corals. If you want hard corals/stony corals - you will need Metal Halide (MH) lights.


Originally Posted by PJMumie
At the least you could probably have Power Compact (PC) lighting - that will work for some anemones and soft corals. If you want hard corals/stony corals - you will need Metal Halide (MH) lights.
so how much are MH???


Originally Posted by airforceb2
All depends on what you want to keep and how many watts. They range from about $250 to $2000.


Trust this , any light for 24.99 will probably not allow you to keep much more then a few low end zoos!
Really starting out myself, have had my tank going for almost a year, cost 250 for a decent compact light system alone no telling what i have already put into LR , and critters so far!, 48" wide, 2- 10,000k daylight lamps, 2 true actinic 03 blue lamps and 4 lunar lights , I have a few things in my tank, and am told i can go with higher end stuff!
This is just my starter tank, LOL it's going to cost a fortune for the real thing

Seriously, I have read alot of what these guys and gals have to say, they all love thier tanks, and have some amazing stuff they have showcased on differant threads!
Good luck and remember , take your time!


Active Member
Lights are nothing to skimp out on. You will pay over $200 (which is nothing in the saltwater business) for lights.


so what about powerheads? i have pretty good flow in my 29 so i think i will only need a small one, which brand should i get and how much?