*****PLEASE HELP******


New Member
We recently have aquired a small(5") carpet anmone from a friend who was turning his tank to fish only. Any way, we brought it home and aclimated it into our quarentine tank. It was moving around looking for a good spot like they do for about 4 days, then this I wake up and go to check on it and its insides are starting to come out of its mouth. What is wrong? PLEASE help I really do not want it to die. Any thing that we can do to nurse it back to health...?


New Member
Levels in the tank are on the level. Don't think that it is starving, it doesn't even close up when I put a small amount of food on it. I really hope that it is not dead when I get home....


Anemones evert their stomachs to expell waste and also if the water conditions are bad. Having just moved, I would think it is it's environment. This behaviour is OK so long as it returns to normal pretty quickly and does not do it too often. It certainly is not starving, if it was healthy in your friends tank then it can survive for weeks or even months without directly feeding. Stop trying to feed it and compare your QT and your friends water conditions. Correct any differences as quickly as you can. Once anemones emain with their stomachs everted it is usualy only a matter of days before they start to rot.


New Member
Compared level in QT and friends tank and they are pretty much exactly the same, but none the less this morning when I got up it was dead. Took it out of the tank and it stunk. Call my friend and he said that he was having some problems with it when he had it. I guess tonight I will drain and refill the QT just in case there is anyhting bad left over from the dead carpet...


I hope you don't have any copper in the Q tank if you do it will kill them..... I never saw one with any "bugs"..... if so get it out right away!!!!!!!