Please Help


Im starting all over after my fish died on me... But I have a question should my powerheads all be at the top of the aquarium moving the water all around at the top? Or should they be at different locations throughout the aquarium? Like middle... bottom... top This is a FOWLR


Active Member
For a fish only where flow is not a factor for various corals; IMO situating them at the top for the highest amount of surface agitation would be best. This will provide for the highest amount of oxygen in the water as possible which has many benefits. Just make sure they are not splashing water up on your light fixture.
So if it were me I would have all but one power head providing surface agitation and just one deeper in the tank to keep solids suspended long enough to be filtered out.
For example when cyano/red slime algae appears in tanks one of the often given potential solutions is increase flow. Only problem here is that cyano can and will grow in high flow areas of the tank, I have seen it myself. IMO more accurately, the advice should be increase surface agitation thus increasing the waters oxygen content. Water high in oxygen will inhibit cyano growth overall as opposed to increased flow deep in the tank making for a few areas where the cyano has less of a chance attaching to the sand/rock.
Water high in oxygen will also provide for less stress on your fish as they have to expend less energy extracting oxygen from the water.
Water high in oxygen content will also head off any PH/PH fluctuation problems. There is a current thread on this right now.