Please Help!!!


I need advice on what type of filter and heating system I need for my 30 gallon fish only tank. I am currently borrowing one and I have to return it soon. I bought everything else new except the current filter and heater.
I was told that I should buy a 50-60 gallon filter and heating system, but once again I am not sure....I am very wet behind the ears with caring for my saltwater. I am learning everyday and I am enjoying it. I currently house 2 Clown fish, goby, scooter blenny, cleaner shrimp, 1 emerald crab, snails, hermit crabs, and a star fish.
Also, how should I go about installing the new filter system (meaning) should I run both systems for awile together in the tank until my fish are used to the new one?


New Member
For your heating I would use a Visi-Therm Stealth heater that is 150 watts.
For filtration maybe a bio-wheel? IMO, a sump should ALWAYS be used[except on Nano-Tanks 30 gallons and under] a long with a good protein skimmer. These include...(In order)
Hang On-Remora, Bak-Pak Skimmers, Coralife Super Skimmer(have been known to require a lot of maintenance), And, if you want a skimmer that needs a lot of adjusting and many hassles, A prizm PRO. Only buy PRO. And, if a long the road you eventually get a sump(preferred), You could get a insump model. Good ones include(In order) ASM models, CPR skimmers, and a Coralife Super Skimmer(read above) If you wanted to, you could buy a Coralife Super Skimmer and just if you get a sump, add it to the sump. Another option would be to just leave it there. What I would do, is purchase a Bak-Pak, get a sump, and leave the Bak-Pak on the Tank, and use the Protein Skimmer Sump Section For a Refugium. A refugium is a place for natural denitrification(reduction of nitrates), or, if you have Pod-Hungry fish, a Pod farm. You can grow, Chaeto, Mangroves(My favorite) a long with many other things. These plants absorb organics in the water, giving you low-nitrate, crystal clear water that you could never achieve with just a protein skimmer. All you need is a space to grow the plants, and a grow light that you can buy at your local walmart for around 20 bucks. Also, in terms of sumps, Sumps have numerous benefits also allowing you to house more fish
Along with a place for unsightly heaters and other things.
I assume you know about cycling, water changes, and not moving too fast? If not, just ask around this forum and the knowledgeable people on here will help you out! Good luck on your Tank and have fun!


New Member

Originally Posted by brandib

I need advice on what type of filter and heating system I need for my 30 gallon fish only tank. I am currently borrowing one and I have to return it soon. I bought everything else new except the current filter and heater.
I was told that I should buy a 50-60 gallon filter and heating system, but once again I am not sure....I am very wet behind the ears with caring for my saltwater. I am learning everyday and I am enjoying it. I currently house 2 Clown fish, goby, scooter blenny, cleaner shrimp, 1 emerald crab, snails, hermit crabs, and a star fish.
Also, how should I go about installing the new filter system (meaning) should I run both systems for awile together in the tank until my fish are used to the new one?
I left out a few things. First off, I would convert the fish only tank to have live rock included. Live Rock can work WONDERS for your tank. It may be expensive, but its a great investment. It helps your fish feel secure, while adding to the asthetic appeal of your tank. Another point is that its great for your biological filtration. DO NOT directly add the live rock to your fish tank. Buy a trash can to cure it. To cure live rock Google "how to cure live rock" And there will be numerous websites to show you.
DO NOT buy a 50-60 gallon tank heater. It may cook your tank. Thats over kill. But, Its VERY hard to over-filter your tank if it can even be done.
If i were you, i would go to your lfs(local fish store) and try to buy some seeded media from their tanks they are already using. This will prevent another cycle.
But, take caution to make sure there is no sick fish in the tank. Or, use the filter media in your current filter(recommended), and try to add it to your new one.
What are your water parameters at the moment? Ammonia, NitrIte, NitrAte, and pH? I would say your bioload is full(unless you add a sump, then you could add more fish)