please help


i just got a coralife 125 skimmer for x mas i have no room to hang it. looking for ideas to put it underneath the tank my tank is 125 i don't know anything about sumps have a empty 29 bout it wont fit i was going to go with a eshopps hob overflow that's ill i have so far
what size tank would fit under my stand {standard stand}
what return pump overflow is 300gph
what to use to hold the return line on the tank - thanks Dennis


As far as what tank size to go with, I would say the biggest one that will fit. Return pump could be a Quiet One Pump Model 1200, it has a 295gph flow rate. To hold the return line, just use a Directional U-Tube, or something like that.


Active Member
the coralife skimmer should have a 500gph pump on it, if you plan to put it in a sump a would shoot for aroud 1.5 times that gph for best effecency and compensdate for blow by of the skimmer that would mean around 700 gph.
I agree get as big of a tank as you can fit for the skimmer and sump compartment, and if you can a fuge IMO is a must. You could piggy back two tanks to set this up if you had too for room.


If your 125 is not already set up - buy a overflow kit and have it drilled. If it is set up you are forced to go with an overflow box with a u tube. I would run 2 of them into one sump. I am guessing your cabinet doors on the stand will be the limiting factor on what size tank you will be able to fit underneath.
So it's a crap shoot without any dimensions given. I would suggest the Quiet One 4000 HH (High Head) and split the return line. Good luck