please help


ok i just caught my fish to put into a qtank.the only thing is i had to take out every piece of rock to do it. the water is cloudy and i have alot of nassarious sp? snails that stay buried most of the time and i have no idea if i killed any. am i going to start another cycle. and if i do should i do water changes every day?thank u very much


Active Member
If your tank was already cycled than it will not re-cycle.
As far as your snails. There probably just fine. Thats why they have hard shells :)
Just check for trapped snails..
The cloudy water will probably clear up soon. Maybe a day or so. You could put some sort of mechinical filtration on it to help out.
You should be Fine...

zack schwartz

Active Member
I don't know about the snails but that should not starte another cycle. Give it a little time and it will clear up. What were u trying to catch? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


New Member
hello...sorry for butting in here...i have a quick question...i have alot of alge in my tank that grows on the glass...and i scrape it and clean it everyweek...and everytime i do it, my nitrates spike up...and my water stays cloudy for there a way i can get around this...its really a pain


do u remove the algae or just let it stay in tank? Im new to this but if algae absorbs nitrates to grow it probally releases it when it dies.


New Member
i remove it with my net...but there is sooooo much alge that it gets down on the sand...and then i gotta dig in the sand and then that starts a big old mess...i hate really thinking about switching to crushed coral...sand gets all dirty...and you can't clean it properly...and all the funkyness just sits there and sinks deeper and deeper, with crushed coral you can clean it with a gravel cleaner.........


forgot to mention i did change about 50% of the water. had to use it for the qtank will that make a difference?


New Member
i don't know what you mean...had to use what for the hospital tank? why do u have ich in your tank? levels gne crazy?


had to use water from main tank for ick from new fish didnt quarentine. all levels were fine before i moved everything and changed water hoping they stay that way, will they?


New Member
they should stay the same...just don't ruffle anything up in the tank now, let everything settle...jamie, are you using sand or crushed coral in your tank? i wanna know your opinions


4-5 inches of sand,and mine stays very clean but i have 1 fighting conch and my nassarios(sp) snails mix it up alot.


Tucker - you can use a gravel vacume on LS as well. I would also suggest that you get a bowl of warm fresh water and make 1 swipe with your scraper then clean it in the bowl. It takes a VERY long time but if you are careful enough you will release a very small amount af algea into the tank.
I wouldn't switch from LS to CC. Instead get a cleaner crew that can handle your tank. You'll be much happier in the end.