please help?????


Active Member
hey guys i need to feed leo my dwarf lion which is the best way to feed him just drop the fish in or put it in a net and put it in front of him or what?also how fast do they grow?


We have a dwarf lion in our tank and had one previous to this one. We have had no problem feeding either by just dropping live feeders in and letting him hunt...they always manage to catch their food. We are at an advantage living in Florida as we go out to the beach and net our live feeders for our predators, but with cold weather here, feeders are a bit scarce so we have had to substitute gold fish and small swords etc...but get our ocean feeders as often as we can to keep up the nutrition. We haven't had much luck with feeding frozen food to them. Good Luck and I hope you enjoy yours as much as we do ours. Heres a pic of our little guy. His name is Tigger.


Active Member
hey thanks betts ill try it out thanks i got him yesterday and the lfs people told me to feed him a live feeder every other day i put one in and he just let it swim in front of him weird huh?lol any other helpful info would be good is there any signs of when their hungry?


Active Member
really....lolwhen i put the feeder in he only lasts about 3 mins before he starts to act dead and my lion sometimes hangs on my filter is this normal?


if you just got it yesturday than give it a couple of days he's probably still getting use to his new home...if you need to start off with live feeders thats fine for a little while but you should try to switch him over to frozen asap...freshwater feeders can cause fatty deposits around the liver, they also have almost no nutritional (sp?) value...


I will agree on the freshwater feeders, not good, but sometimes in a pinch if not a permanant thing. As I said before, we live near the ocean so its easy for us to get saltwater feeders...Thats what we prefer and its really what our fish prefer...between small feeder pennys and little blue crabs for the scorpion fish all is happy in our tank. Only time we do fresh water is when the ocean is just to cold to go out waist deep in...
Do you have any caves or rock for your dwarf to hang near? They will act real shy sometimes and hanging alone when first introduced to the tank but given a few days should settle in and start eating.


Active Member
yes he hides under one of the caves i have and behind some of my live rock is it normal for him to hang out near the filters?


Yes its normal for him to hang at the filters some...Ours did but the more ours settled in the less he hung at the filter.


Nothing more than watch, learn and enjoy...No one is perfect and we all learn by our mistakes and some can be costly, but thats how life works. Don't give up, just keep enjoying. The lions for me are the most graceful and relaxing fish you could get to watch. Sure calms me down! LOL. BTW..check out my predators pics that I posted in a new thread.


Active Member
hey betts i have a question i got leo thursday and i tryed to feed him a feederfish today and he just sits there and it looks like on one side of his body he is losing color whats wrong?i called the lfs and the lady said i bought him the day he was shipped there and he's probaly a little stressed she told me to try and keep my lights dimmer then normal and to try a feeder tommorow betts is this a good idea?


dont feed goldfish. feed guppies or ghost. they are more cost more but are alot better than goldfish. still the best food is frozen foods so try to get him on frozen


Ours has gone from 3 -5 days, but don't like that when its been a big eater to begin with. Was it eating at all before you purchased it? For a newbie to the tank, I think I would worry a bit myself after 3 days. But thats me. I like to see them start eating right away.