please help!

blenny dude

hi, i have a 75 gallon tank. i have a yellow tang a pigmy angel and 2 clowns. hte other day i was cleaning my tank from algae and i foudnt that my yellow tng was missing. i am very sad :( he was a great fish.
i have a 40 galln fuge and a 30 gal sump. do you know what is wrong
my nitrates are zero, ammonia nitrite it zero. my ph is at 8.3.
i feed him ( fed now) seaweed on a clip everyday fresh, garlic soaked formula one, and occasionaly roman lettuce. he was doing great until now. he did not have ich. he just dissapeared
wht do you think happned?
There is a chance that when you were cleaning the tank he go spooked and has found a real good hiding place amongst the rocks.(If you have alot of rock.) How long has he been missing ? and when you were cleaning did you move any of the rock wark around ?


Active Member
never assume a creature is dead until the body is found. Search around for him, he's gotta be there.


Active Member
turn off the tank lights and see if he comes out or drop some of his fav food in that might help but if not check the rock


Well I have had a chromis dissapear. The body was never recovered. But that would be weird for a larger fish


did you look around the tank, especially on the back? He might jump out in the worse case, hope he didn't

blenny dude

hi guys thanks for the help. he didn't jump out for sure, cause i checked everywhere around the tank.
he was in the tank about a half hour before i cleaned, thats the last tme i checked on the tank. i do have a lot of rock, 130 lbs. he might be hiding its been about 2 hours.
i hope he didnt die. ill check in my sump or refugium he might have gotten there some way from overflow or something.
thankz alot guyz!

blenny dude

i'm so happy! you know what happened?!@
i'm thninking he swam towards the intake to the overflow, he then got sucked up into the sump! from there he swam into the fuge and had a food frenzy with my halimeda and caulerpa! lots of it is gone!lolz!
i'm happy thankz for ur concerns guys. he's a small bugger about 2 inches, is my tannk big enough for him, i've read many bad things about them in smaller tanks.