Please id this anenome/coral looking creature


Active Member
its a partially closed hidden cup coral, mine look like that when they are getting too much light, its non photosynthetic so it doesnt need light, its also a hard coral and very common on floridian live rock. it multipies very slowly, I started with 3 polyps almost two years ago and am up to four.


okay, that makes sense. I just recently did a reorginization of my live rock and the portion of rock he is on i know for a fact, was hidden under more live rock and was inaccessable to my cc and to my lights. Its still not in direct view of the lights, but i think my cc star can get to it, will he eat it? I was thinking the same as far as ID, thank you for confirming it.


Active Member
there is a good chance that your CCstar will eat it. which is too bad because they grow so slow.


I was searching for some hidden cup coral and the ones i found on the net, didn't really look like what i have, mine have tiny, clearish tentacles that have small dots or almost like balls on the ends of each one. Hmmmm......


Active Member
every pic I have found on the net of them shows them completly close wich is useless for ID, here is a pic of mine, sorry its not the best pic, but its definatly the same thing as yours. I am 100% sure of what it is.
see the white mouth and brownish center. if the pic was clearer you would see the white spots and white tips too.


Oh okay, yeah, they all were closed looking on the "google images" Mine looks like yours, so thanks again! I like my cc but man, it just seems there are more and more reasons to take him back. I may stick him in my refuge. I feel i am getting ready for a reef.
In that pic of yours, are those peanut worms that i see?


New Member
solar what did u do to get your actnics to working again mine just stoped this morning had them on timers when i woke up it was not on is it the fuse i got one with the light but where does it go


Originally Posted by nirua64
solar what did u do to get your actnics to working again mine just stoped this morning had them on timers when i woke up it was not on is it the fuse i got one with the light but where does it go

im not sure, mine flickered for about two days when i first got them and it just stopped. been working fine ever since and thats been over two months ago.
Have you ruled out the timer as being faulty? such as plugging the correct cord into the wall? also, i have taken the whole darn thing apart and the ballast for the flouro's are in the light unit, not the halide ballast, I can't remember if saw a fuse in the huge remote ballast or not, i would be checking for a fuse within the unit and honestly, make a day out of it since you'll be taking down the light (which is light anyways, but may still need help) and just remove the remote ballast also, open the light unit and the ballast and get your solder ready and/or zip ties and start scrutinizing the workmanship, though i found it to be not that bad, there are a couple bad design flaws for air flow, which one is the grills in the remote ballast being WAY to small, so it just traps like a lint catcher in a freaking clothes dryer, i drilled bigger holes in it. The main light unit... Only one fan is present in the end portion of the unit, though there is clearly a slot for a second fan... that was just amazing i thought. I found a computer case fan with the same demisions and stuck it in there and just tapped into the wires from the other fan.... Let me know if you have any other questions. BTW mine is the 48" 2007 (or is it 2006) version MH/Flouro combo. What is yours?


New Member
i hav the 2007 692 watts a fuse was in the box and yes it has a empty fan space and the other fan is very loose wtf being cheap explain n detail please pics if poss please :help: :help: :help: bought from hombbyebay :mad: