Please ID this Blenny




Please any info, reef safe , type of fish , name and any info you may have ??
best pic I could get,sorry. Have 3 mated pairs.


Almost looks like a type of big lipped blenny but I can't really tell. If you could work on getting a more clear shot especially of it's head I could narrow it down a lot more.


My question is, is it reef safe because my cousin went on a scuba trip w/ licensed divers and obtained quite a few mated pairs of these blennies and gave me 3 pairs.. and they're floating until I figure out if they're ok!!


Miami Beach I have a 75 gallon tank 120 lbs of LR a yellow tang, a pair of percula clowns, a bangaii cardnalfish, a blue damsel, 2 3 stripe damsels, and a long fin fairy wrasse.. I dont think I have room for 6 more fishh.. I'm thinking one pair.. I'm going to have to get rid of two other pairs wouldn't you guys agree? Or can I do more?


Active Member
Get those fish out of those it today please.
Even a rubbermaid with a powerhead or airstone is better than a bag. They are going to suffer in there..lack of flow,oxygen, staying in their own urates....that is irresponsible.


I had to make sure they werent going to terrorize my tank! Should I add all 6 fish to my display w/ all the fish I already have??? I am adding one pair right now..
I've been changing the bag water :)


Active Member
Maybe you can take them to an LFS? I would'nt add all six. I understand you changed the bag water..but still.... Giving them away for free would be better than them dieing. You may never get a positive ID or find anyone who has them. There are alot of wild blennies off Florida. I would start googling Florida native fish, or blennies native to Florida..etc. I found an ID on a tiger blenny for someone that way.


Do you think I could do 4? I put two in just now.. What do you think? The females are about 3-4 inches and the males are like 1 1/2-2 inches


Active Member
I would'nt, there may not be enough room to keep them from fighting. On a side note...your YT looks very thin in that top pic. Are you supplementing his diet with algae sheets? And maybe some Ocean Nutrition frozen spirulina or formula 2 would be great for him.



here are pics of the female in the tank.. The yellow tang gets 3 different types of algea sheets.. Also a mix of formula one, this fish food which has a bit of everything in it.. I get it from a local reefer, and some pellets.. I also add vitamins.. I think the pic is just crappy of the tang


don't know what type it is but i know that they are mean i have one got him at the beach off some rock i watched him going in and out of a hole when he went in i put a net over the hole and got him but thinking about taking him back he keeps niping on my clowns