Please ID


New Member
these litlle orange things came with my LR. They look like minature orange anemone's but have fewer tentackle's. I have look in all the books i could find but no luck.


New Member
Just a pic of my tank. I am about 4 weeks into the cycle. Any comments. PS This is my first attempt.


New Member
Thanx for the compliment. I got the LR from an internet site called Guppies4yuppies in South-Africa where I stay. It was very difficult to get some because it is illegal to take the kind of rocks that we want from our coats line. I think they import it from some where around Kenia or Tanzania. Not to sure. will try and find out. Any Idea what those things on the LR is?


First pic looks like some sort of sponge, instead of tenticals would you call them little vents?
Second one I'm really not sure of.
Do either of them move from their spot at all?