please idenitfy??????


can someone please tell me what this is and if it is a good thing or a bad thing.... if it is bad i need to get rid of it now... it is on a very small rock so if i have to just throw it away it is no big deal for me to do that.... but please help me idenify what this thing is



Active Member
It's hard to tell...sponge? That rock has some nice coralline on it, it would be a crying shame to toss that!
If you find you need to get rid of it (though if the thing doesn't move I would doubt it will be harmful) remove the rock, dig the item off and keep that rock. The coralline will spread and it is beauitful.


Yes I agree! The rock looks great! Need a closer picture-maybe sponge? Which is good! Wish I had a nice piece of rock like that! :happyfish :happyfish


thank you everyone.... i wish i could get a clearier picture but my camera is not the best... sorry... if it is a sponge i am not going to worry about it... just i saw them little feelers on it and started to panic... on the little rock it is green star polops... (sp) and yes it is very nice when all bloomed out in the mornings... thanks again... i guess for now i wont worry about it to much :jumping: