Please Identify!!!!


New Member
Yesterday I saw 1 white thing with a forked tail sliming it's way on the glass of my 10 gal hospital tank. Today there are over 30. I have no idea what they are - possibly a trible. I have live sand (old) and a green star polyp and nothing else (well a fake anenome - rubber). Someone please tell me what these are!!! Are they good or bad??? Something I can exchange at my LFS someday would be nice.



Go to the New Hobbists forum and on the top the first topic is hitchhiker identifications and you should find what your looking for. I think there brown or red flat worms i dont think that is good.


Active Member
white flatworms.... Harmless. The red ones can be when they get waay out of control because if they are climbing all over corals, they can prevent them from getting enough light. These obviously being clear....
they eat copepods, probably not enough to make a huge difference. i would get them under control while you can though jsut to be safe because i personaly dont think they look too good. i had a ton. I sucked them out with a tuckey baster and my coral banded shrimp ate them too. A 6 line wrasse will do the trick and some people have gotten mandarins to eat them. But not all the time and they flatworms do not reproduce long enough for a mandarin to survive long. Flatworm-exit will also work, not sure if it is reef-safe though...
if you get any of these creatures to help control, make sure to do your reserch so you will know if they are right for your system.


New Member
Thank you for your helpful input. fortunately they are in a tank with nothing in it. I'm a little dissapointed that they aren't something I could sell to someone else.
Hey, anyone wanna by some flatworms????