Please keep us in your prayers today


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Glad to hear you are doing well....How long before the S ex test? LOL
The ultrasound will be this week! Just waiting on the hospital's ultrasound office to call with my date and time. So excited! Get to find out if the baby is Madeline Rose or Tristan Leverne.
HOPEFULLY! This is a very active baby so no guarantees. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
Why I said what I did is SImple I have Epilepsy and can tell from what she has typed would be classified by a doctor as Complex Partial Seizures. How do I know this try having them for close to 10 years and also the big boys full on Generalized Tonic Clonics or what most people think of as a Seizure where you end up on the ground flopping like a fish out of water. That is what I live with everyday and not knowing when my brain will malfunction again and fire the next shot of electricity to my body that causes them.
I did not mean to scare her just let her know what they could be. You think I enjoy living with this CRAP I hate it. In the last 3 months I lost my Drivers License my abiulity to go anywhere without anyone withme. I ALMOST LOST MY KIDS because the state thought I was a danger because I could not take care of my baby because of one accident.
Seizures are part of the differential, but I am glad to see what appears to be a through workup in process. Cardiac dysrythmias, hypertensive emergencies, toxemia of pregnancy, hypoglycemia, cardiac dysrythmias, and others can all cause what is described. I for one would not start prescribing until I had the diagnosis and a risk benefit profile. In the mean time as stated, do not drive, sdo not take a bath ( use the shower), and spend as little time alone as possible.
Your physician sounds to be a good and through person. He/she will find the problem. Then we decide treatment plans.


Active Member
I had an issue with an irregular heartbeat. Docs didn't think it was really a big deal. Finally quite drinking (at least on a regular basis) and it seems to be resolved. I happen to be one of those who can feel when that happens. Anyway what triggered two of the most sever episodes I ever had was Hot Chocolate. Don't know if the caffeine in the chocolate was the tipping factor or what but you would be amazed how many things have caffeine in it.
When I first found out about the heartbeat we cut down on caffeine and pain meds, the docs didn't think the alcohol would cause it. After another episode a different doc said it isn't uncommon for some people to have episodes caused by long term irritation caused by stress, caffeine or in my case, we think regular alcohol consumption combined with a sedentary life style.


Active Member
Things are still up in the air as far as diagnosis goes. I'm turning my heart monitor in tomorrow and both dr's offices are working to get me into the neurologist. I have been taking it easy and definitely am not left alone. If my husband isn't going to be here then I go across the street to my mom and dad's house. Right now I'm just waiting on cardiologist's results, getting into the neurologist and for my ultrasound appt this week. Definitely no consumption of caffeine and watching medication labels like no other when it comes to what I can take and can't. Following dr's orders .


Active Member
Thanks for asking! I'm doing pretty good. Still having the foggy feeling from time to time but I haven't had any convulsions in a little while. Still waiting on results from my heart monitor. Have another ultrasound in a week and an OB appt in 6 days. Can't wait for that!
I'll keep you all updated. I had a 3d/4d ultrasound but I can't figure out how to post pics on here since they changed everything or else I'd share.

shrimpy brains

Glad you are doing a little better! Hope it's completely better soon!