Please let me know if this light will do....


Active Member
I am setting up a 5 gallon nano tank and i am wating to keep soft colras in, and possibly, one of my favorite corals are frogspawns. I have to buy a light for the tank becuase i am buying the tank bit by bit. One light i am lookin at is an Odyssea 13" 24W Compact Fluorescent. It is not a 50/50 light, so i should buy a 50/50 bult, correct? But is that light suitable for corals in that tank, i REALLy want a reef tank, so since my tanks are not all coral fit, i wanted to have a nano to fill my coraly But please let me kow if you have ny leads on lights or anything to help me out, and also,would a whisper filter work, it is for like a 10-15 gallon tank, but i mean, if it filters the water MORE, that it can only help more, right? I am at a loss here, so pelase let me know what to do. Thank you


Active Member
just get the regular coralife PC fixture that has two 50/50 bulbs in it. something like 36 watts...should only cost you about 50 bucks.


well what light specturm is the bulb?? you don't have to have 50/50... it just makes the tank look better as well as actinics... the most important is to have 10k spectrum somewhere... as far as frogspawn... that will not fit in your 5 gallon... and filter... isn't really needed unless you are thinking about converting it into a hob fuge...


Active Member
I have a whisper on my 25g frag/spanish lobster tank. It does just fine, It has been up for approx. 8mths. cleaned the filter a couple of times and that is about it. Also have a maxi jet 1200 for circulation!!!! Let me know if you come to the Jupiter area I can hook you up with some xenia. Its out of control!!!!!



New Member
Where is Jupiter Area, i mena, like how far from Kissimmee? I would love to get hooked up with Zenia'


New Member
WAIT! i dont need to get a 50/50 bulb? for some reason, my conputer wont let me on the site that has it, but try goign onto Please do not post links or try to out smart by adding dashes and mispellings to get the site across anyway it will be deleted it against forum rules. and lok at the $24.99 PC........... will that work? i mena, with the bulb that comes free with the light?
**Yes seth we know this is you on here under a different name and you know better**


New Member
Free compact florescent bulb pre-installed to the fixture is 24W CF 12000K bulb. No substitution available for free item.
That is what it said about the that good? even for corals?

keith burn

Active Member
Odyssea 13" 24W Compact Fluorescent is whit i used...
BUT i do not reccomend it the 5gal reef that is.
1st will get hot with the light and with sand,lr in it like 3or 4gal of water...
the filter works well but only in one spot...
top off with a drip and wc every 2 day a lot of work...
sorry but jmo after i tried it...



Active Member
hmm welcome to boards newcomer lol.
if you type in the special request box when ordering that you want a different K rating bulb theyle probably send you one.
once agian welcome lol


New Member
Look, i am not the best with keyboards, i am not going to very miticulously and with great thought type each letter of each work i am quickly trying to get to another persons. What i mis-spell can easliy be machted with what it should be by putting two and two together. Now the prase "NAW DUDE" in ENGLISH translates to "No Daniel Hayes, the site specifically states that no substibutions are allowed on "free' items" ... It is like paraphrasing, or summarizing what i was tryign to get to someone in a smaller easier to type way. just like IDK, IMO, JMO, LOL I mena, that is the common way to speak to one another on the web, text messages, and ect......


New Member
Mods, i just read your RED lettering in my posts.....I am not hiding from you, yes, this is Seth, i am not tryign to hide it. My account was banned for some reason that was not caused by an action i did. I did not make any bad post or do anythign that deserved being banned. Ophuiria (?) even said herself that she didn know why i was banned and that she would look into it. Well, i had to make posts about things pertaining to SWF, so i had no choice but to make another account, now i would LOVE to use my odl one, if i could get it back, but i would also like to know why it was all messed up to begin with.