Active Member
I am setting up a 5 gallon nano tank and i am wating to keep soft colras in, and possibly, one of my favorite corals are frogspawns. I have to buy a light for the tank becuase i am buying the tank bit by bit. One light i am lookin at is an Odyssea 13" 24W Compact Fluorescent. It is not a 50/50 light, so i should buy a 50/50 bult, correct? But is that light suitable for corals in that tank, i REALLy want a reef tank, so since my tanks are not all coral fit, i wanted to have a nano to fill my coraly needs...lol.... But please let me kow if you have ny leads on lights or anything to help me out, and also,would a whisper filter work, it is for like a 10-15 gallon tank, but i mean, if it filters the water MORE, that it can only help more, right? I am at a loss here, so pelase let me know what to do. Thank you