please,look over my new setup,any thoughts?


New Member
ok guys after finding this site im back in to saltwater fish,thanks.i bought a 125,it came with 36in fl lights.will this be ok for a fo tank? whats the best bulb for that light?could i still use some live rock without upgrading my light?i could nt find any southdown sand, so im using a cc substrate,since i had it from my old using 2 hot magnums,2 quiksand fluidized sand filters,2 802 powerheads,cpr backpack,i have a old uv, with a new bulb, should i use it? i know i need a bigger skimmer,but it will be awhile before theres any big load on the cpr,i still have to cycle the tank,lol.i was thinking i could maybe just add a 2nd skimmer down the road.whats the best way to cycle a 125,i cant afford a bunch of lr right now.i would like to get some though,i want to keep alot of open space for triggers,lions and maybe a snow flake eel.thanks for your time reading this long post,any thoughts?


Only one thing stood right out at me. That was the CC. I would dump that and go with a Sand bed IMHO. CC seems to trap everything. You would have to clean it throughly. Other than that nothing else really stuck out at me...


Sounds good to me.
you really don't need to upgrade lighting for lr, however the better you take care of the lr the better it will look (as far as growth) but either way it will serve it's primary functions, which are filtering and shelter.
Since you're not going to have lr or ls right away to cycle, go with the dead shrimp method I've heard so much about on this board. Definately plan ahead for the extra skimmer, but spend the cash on some of your lr first.
Good Luck