Please Please Help me


Alright I went to the fish store today planning on only getting a Cleaner shrimp and a royal Gramma :jumping: But I saw an anemone there.... The guy said that it was a Rose Bubble Tip anemone. I remember reading on this sight that they were rare and that they were expensive.... But it was 35 dollars. Is this possible he said he got an awesome deal on them... I know LFS's lie so im asking you guys... I will post a pick as soon as he is out of the baggy and opened..Which leads to my next question.
Do I have to do anything special for it?
How long will it take to open?
~ thanks Nick
P.S. Please Relpy ASAP


I have 2 perc clowns... I have 2 65 watt bulbs
I just went and looked at it and its starting to get see through bubbles is this normal??? Its still in the bag from the store



Originally posted by nolson
Alright I went to the fish store today planning on only getting a Cleaner shrimp and a royal Gramma :jumping: But I saw an anemone there.... The guy said that it was a Rose Bubble Tip anemone. I remember reading on this sight that they were rare and that they were expensive.... But it was 35 dollars. Is this possible he said he got an awesome deal on them... I know LFS's lie so im asking you guys... I will post a pick as soon as he is out of the baggy and opened..Which leads to my next question.

They're $89.99 on the site here... $35 isn't bad at all. Absolutely gorgeous, too. I'd set up a MH light setup just to have that thing in my tank!
The Bubble Tip Anemone, a.k.a. Bulb Anemone, is a very popular Anemone because it readily hosts most Clownfish species. These Anemones are on the smaller side and have tentacles which form swelled bulbs at their tips. The Bubble Tip Anemone is known to "split" quite readily in the home aquarium, producing additional Anemones. They should be provided strong lighting and a decent water flow.

The guy at the LFS probably has one, and his split and he's selling them.


Thanks..... Im really worried are these bubble things on it normal?????? here ill try and post a pic


Hello I got this Rose BTA at least thats what I was told it was. For extremely cheap but I got it home and put the bag in the tank and he started getting these huge Bubbles all over... I know its a bubble tip anemone but these were huge and not at the end of there "hands" Heres a pic please help me!


Bang guy... Im sorry im so worried :( am I worrying for no reason?? Amd I a moron for being so scared?
Right now he is in the tank but has all his "hands" up against a rock???? Its can move anywhere it wants with its foot when it wants to right? I dont need to grab it and move it myself right?

bang guy

That's a great location for it. It will move to where it wants to go without your help.
Just relax and let it get used to your aquarium.



Originally posted by nolson
I have 2 perc clowns... I have 2 65 watt bulbs
I just went and looked at it and its starting to get see through bubbles is this normal??? Its still in the bag from the store

Mine did the same thing. It has been in my tank for two weeks now and is doing great!:happy:
I have done nothing special for her at this point. Just making sure food is available and strong current in the tank. I did catch her "walking" around two days ago. That's a site to see!:D


Food? hmm sigh I thought there food was light and current lol...
Alright people new question what to food it and how often and how?
Thanks Oh BTW can everyone please look at this picture and Identifiy it as a Rose Bubble Tip Anemone please


As long as those bubbles are not coming out if its mouth like its trying to turn inside out then leave it alone for a while. I've seen this oddity before.
The only thing to really worry about is if the foot is torn or any other major damage to the anemone.
Just keep an eye on it, check your water paramiters and sit tight.


What should I feed it? How often and how? please answer - thank you
Also can you identify this as a rose Bubble tip anemone?
it was 35 dollars


I feed my 8 BTA's, mysis shrimp, krill, and frozen (rinsed) plankton. Silversides are also very nutritous for them.
Stay away from frozen brine shrimp as they are pretty much worthless.
You are right lighting is very important to a photosynthetic animal like these. Depending on your lighting they will require more feedings with poor lighting or less feedings with better lighting.


Alright. Can you identify that as a RBTA??
Well can you tell me maybe how often? 29 gallon tank 2x65 watt power compacts about 5 WPG


It could very well be an RBTA, however it does look like it was bleaching somewhat.
Can you tell me from what type of system it came from, what was the lighting like in that system?
What is your lighting?
After its tenticals come out for a day then try to feed it, make sure that the food sticks to the tenticals not just fall off, if it sticks then we are good to go, if not then you may have to try some other foods the next day or so.


yes, that is a rtba, looks good and healthy to me. Mine eats formula 1 or formula 2. seems to like that the best. but will eat quite an assortment of foods, including krill, brine shrimp, silversides. just try things, it will let you know what it likes, and you may try feeding it a variety of foods as well. not that you need an opinion or help with it, but if i could suggest not moving him, just allow him to move himself where he is most comfortable. seems more deaths stem from being moved and prodded than any other with anonomes. good luck with him, he looks great