please please help my poor lionfish


New Member
my lionfish hasn't eaten for like 2 weeks. sometimes he'll hang completely upside down for a long time. sometimes he'll just float to the top on its side. last time i fed him he ate a large shrimp i bought at the seafood market. could that large shrimp maybe have thorns that punctured his stomach? i've been pierced by shrimp before. my water is perfectly fine after i performed tests. all my other fish including an emperor are thriving. someone please help me. any feedback is much appreciated. thank you very much in advance.


How big is your fish compared to the size of the large shrimp you fed him? Is it possible it was to large and did damage to his digestive system?


You could always try live food to get him eating. my lion is only mildly interested in frozen food. put something live in with him though and it'll be gone in seconds. live ghost or white shrimp and silversides are the best.