
we just added 3 new fish about a week ago, tonight we were looking at them and all of our fish have ich!! so far my coral beauty is the only one stressing. my question is

we want to do the hyposalinity but it's going to be hard to catch all the fish,now can we take the water from our tank and put it in a hospital tank to get it started??what else do we have to do to it??next question is the fish store told us to add kick ich, is this ok??? next question is what about adding ecolibrium??? i just don't want to add more stress to the fish and i don't want to use the copper but will if i have to. Also fish store told us to lower the salinity to only 1.018 and that was all we had to do besides a water change==there are so many alternatives which is the right one. we have a 46gl-1tomato clown-1baby gobi-1watchman gobi-1coral beauty-1squrel fish-1pigmy indo-1 decorative crab-1 pistol shrimp-2 anemonies-1bleeny-1scallop-1cleaner shrimp-and a few other things. 1 skimmer-1biofilter-had water tested everything is perfect...or was till this happened. hope you can help--have no coral-9 lr-mostly medium to large-no live sand :( <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" /> <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" />


Active Member
just do a search here on hyposalinity. mr. tang wrote a good post on it. stop listening to ur LFS they seem to not know what they're talking about. 1.009..just do some searching here...this topic has been discussed hundreds of times.


Well ya needed to quarentine - I learned the hard way too. With what i'm going through from using copper I'd say STAY AWAY from it! and NEVER add any medicing to your main tank. Using water from the main tank is fine for the hospital tank however you need all your fish in it or move all inverts to it. First thing is to seperate em. After that Use Hyposalinity. Lower the Specific gravity to 1.009 and maintain it there. Do this slowly!!


Post note: Hypo will kill inverts LR/LS (not the bacteria base but the critters) so I'd say move fish to the hospital tank and treat it. It will take about 30 days for ick to run its corse and be dead. Keep main tank fish free and any ick in it will die.


would it not be easier to move all things to other tank and keep fish in main tank??? that way we won't have to stress them out in catching them and putting them in an unfamliar inviroment????? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Easier yes however any treatment method will kill any type of inverts and ... if you used any type of medication it will remain trace in that tank killing any inverts. I would not treat in the main tank.