Please post any pics of 12 gallon nanos


New Member
Guys and Gals, im about to start a new saltwater tank (my first one ever), probably in the next month. Id love it if anybody out there with pictures of a 12 or so gallon tank would post them here. I want to get some ideas, and also, some advice. So, please, post ur pics and advice for a newby like myself. :jumping:


Not to hi-jack your thread, but Poiboy, is that the eclipse model? Did you retro-fit lighting? I am working on an eclipse 6 and would love any advice you could give. Thanks


New Member

Thats awesome, can one keep fish in a six gallon? I would love to have a small tank like that, but im afrad I wont be able to maintain it, and that I wont be able to keep any fish in it. Please, more people post some pics,:D


I'm sure you could keep (A) fish in the six but there is no way it would be happy. Is there a fish small enough that it would actually be happy stuck in a six gallon tank?? I dont think so. Yes without the fish it makes the tank easy to care for. The tank is the eclipse with the stock 27w lighting soon to be doubled so I can try a clam.