please post pic of your clown fish and there eegs


I would love to see some pictures of clown fish and there eegs. I have had a pair for over a year. I believe they are mated. They were the same size going in and one is much bigger than the other. Maybe they are laying eegs and I just don't see them. They host a huge seabe and maybe they lay them under it.


New Member
Here is a pic from yesterday. Eggs 2 days old. To bad I am not set up to raise them ...... yet. Hopefully soon though. Pugi


Awsome i am not really trying to hatch any for now just what to see them if they are there. is that the color they always are orange?


New Member
I cant say what others colors may be. From what I understand by reading is if they are orange they are healthy...Pugi


Cool good to know. I wasn't even sure what I was looking for. They could be laying eegs on the back side of the rock behind the seabee and I would never know it I might have to look now that I know what to look for.


New Member
A pic at day 8. They should hatch tonight. Daddy has been working overtime and you can clearly see the eyes....Pugi