Please post pics


Can you guys post some pics of full tank. I'm slowly adding more coral and need ideas!
Any suggestions where to look for pics.


Here are three pics of my tank moveing from left to right



Active Member
I've changed a few things around since this, and cleaned a few things up, uh hem...recently added a bunch more LR and several frags to get this.


Active Member
Oh stop bosting ophuira we all know that isnt your pic!! lol just playing. I really like the star in the pic really cool looking blue green. I would post pics of mine but it wont give you any ideas since I dont have any corals lol. I cant wait till I get mine suppose to be getting 5 to 7 corals for a wopping $21 lol good price huh!


Active Member
yeah that is one of the toughest things .... u have to arrange your rocks in a way so that there are lots of flat ridges for u to set things on .... making sure its not too small of an area that the coral will fall off and get damaged.... also leave some gaps between the rocks that way u can jam odd shaped things in the spaces to lock them in.... such as my colt coral it has a v shaped rock its attached too which was perfect for jamin into a gap between to LR holding it in place..... i also jambed my leather finger coral between 2 LR and the flower pot and pagoda cup are sitting on flat ridges on the LR
when u put together your LR or aquascape which people call it u have to take into account what your going to be putting in the rocks..... some people will tie things to the rock other glue .... its an ever going process im sure as u aquire new things ull have to move stuff around to get a better looking and more realistic set up that will actually hold ur corals in place...
good luck


New Member
Wanted to get a pic of my 30 some gallon up so you guys could preview it. The quality is far less when I resize it. Some of the pics here are great, what's the secret? Later