please pray for my cat


omg im so sorry, that makes me so sad, I know what its like to have lost an animal many times :( I guess even though my cat is sick im lucky to have her while I can. Im really sorry again


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your baby!
Just around Christmas I lost my cat that I had since I was 3 years old. I'm 19 now.
Losing a baby is hard... I'm praying for your pusscat.


Active Member
I had a kitten doe from veline lekumia, sorry if its spelled wrong, but she went through what your kitten is going from, you should get her tested for that. Its like aids for cats. Its horrible for the kitten, so it would be better to find out now, then wait.


everyone is so nice thanks sooo much!!! Baby is slowly feeling better, at least it looks like she is feeling alot better, she still isnt drink or eating well and is having a hard time peeing and pooping and she is sleeping alot just as we do when sick.
thanks so much and will keep you updated.


Active Member
Good luck with your little kitty..My wife adopted the ugliest cat known to man that I couldnt stand for the longest time...Now I couldnt imagine something happening to her..the best course of action might be to see a 3rd vet and see if they can agree with one of the other two and if they will go with one of the ones who agree..


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Awww, I think she's beautiful.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder; I think she looks like a sweetie.
WoooHoooo Wrong....That is the meanest cat I have ever seen...
1. She meows all the time..Not just "Wow..Your home meow" more like Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow...Kinda like watching Super Troopers
2. She (like all cats) will hide around the door and ambush you when you come out of the door
3. Meows some more
4. Attacks my poor greyhound constanly..(Good thing she is declawed)
5. Attacks me constanly
6. Meows even more...
I still love her though


Active Member
Hehe, Calico kitties are normally a little more... ...feisty than others.
I have two Callies, Chip and Gabby. They're both quite odd.
I want an update on the hurt kitty!


Active Member
awww I'm sorry to hear about your kitty. It breaks my heart to see a sick animal. I hope she gets better soon! :(


thank you everyone! the vet calls my cat a torti also, she has siameese colors though and bright blue eyes, im going to get a better camera for my tank pics and to take pics of my cats and will
post asap. My cat baby is about the same, im just waiting it out and praying so much, im kinda scared cause my other 3 cats are sneezing and i hope there not getting sick or coming down with something, I cant handle or afford more then 1 cat being sick , but Im just praying and taking care of her as best as i can.
Nigarbang my cat does the same thing, but i call it talking LOL
she meow's"talks to me"" 24-7, its really like they are talking to us, my cat follows me everywhere, all 4 really do, even in the bathroom they all want to come in, its like little kids, they always wanna be around me. Its good to see animals lovers like me, I love hearing from your guys and hearing about ur animals to. thanks so much


Im so stressed, Now i come home from work and My other cat is acting like he is having hard time breathing and sneezing, they all 4 are sneezing? what could it be? just a cold you think they all have?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ghola5
Im so stressed, Now i come home from work and My other cat is acting like he is having hard time breathing and sneezing, they all 4 are sneezing? what could it be? just a cold you think they all have?
i get this way when im around cats :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ghola5
Im so stressed, Now i come home from work and My other cat is acting like he is having hard time breathing and sneezing, they all 4 are sneezing? what could it be? just a cold you think they all have?
yeah, it's probably just a cold. It definitely would spread to all your cats.
If your cats were recently adopted, then they may have upper respiratory syndrome, which is very common for kitties. My cats had it for a while. if they are still eating and playing, then they should be ok ( that's what my vet told me)
By the way, I sent you an email.

eel freak

i got three cats and they are awesome a bombay a siemese and tortise shell i also have a puppy and a paroot my other dog sandy just died


im sorry your dog died, my moms friend at work just had to put her cat down because he ate that bad food and was to sick :( soooo sad. my cats are older, well not old hehe but baby is 4, her bro leto is 4 and milo is 1 and a half, and mariah is 10 years old, there never sick so im sooooo worried about whats going on :(


Active Member
this is seasalts gf my cat of 16 years had feline leukemia which messed up her kidneys (stones)she had problems eating pooing and peeing the vet put her on prescription diet cat food because her system wasnt digesting other food well and if they cant digest it they wont eat it, when the problems started the vet checked her stomach first because those problems can also be caused when they swallow things ...strings ,hair,ribbons, little bits and peices ,then it gets caught during digestion,this is really gross but suppositories might help with the bathroom issues, because alot of cats tend to walk or rub the meds off their paws and you have to go in the other way.make sure shes hydrated grab the scruff of her neck and pull it up if it goes back down shes good if it stays up shes dehydrated .but i agree third vet could be charm maybe he will agree with one or the other .good luck with your kitties i am a cat person and i'm sending up the prayers