Please Read!!! ;-Þ


Please read this and not start all the BS about he/she said or done thats not what its for.
I know that tempers have been a flying but I just want to let everyone that I have ever gotten help from and all the members here THANK YOU!!!.
I am a member of SEVERAL other boards but this is the main one that I come to there is only one other board that is close to this one but the traffic isnt allot so I come over here.
Out of all of it there is some tempers that flare but not as bad as I have seen on some of the other boards. I know somepeople ( cant remember names ) has said that why they dont post here. I really think all in all that the attitudes that keep being talked about are because its not face to face so the words that get type may sound more harsh than what they were meant to be. I always try to reread my posts before they are posted so that I can see if something didnt come across the way I wanted it to.
I really hope that new members dont decide to go else where because of it though. so please if you are new here and reading this please if there is something that has bothered you about a reply that you get just remember that there is a real person behind the posts and that typeing can come off totally different than if you were talking face to face with them
I would like to say that this board has helped me out alot and I hope that I have helped some people out as well. I have several tanks and love each and evey one of them and have made several mistakes on fish choice setup you name it. and NOBODY here can say that when they started that they didnt make mistakes of some form or another or for that matter still making mistakes. were are all just people and its in our nature. LOL
but anyway this is getting long and I want to appoligize if I ever come off wrong and if I do please just say so and in closeing thanks everyone. even you MODS :D


i hear ya, some people have been gettin out of hand, and a recent troll (hmmm who is that??). this board helped me ALOT. i probaly wouldve had so many dead fish if it werent for the people on this board.
good post mike.


Active Member
I agree that this sight is the best one i've ever been to and i don't even visit the others anymore.
However, on the aggressive comments part... in order for someone to read it agressive, they would be wanting to read it aggresively. So basically one person may right it meant to be straight to the point and nasty while the other person may think it as a sarcastic point tacken article that he's rolling on the floor laughing and visa versa. If we look at everything as help rather than criticism, we all will be better off.
But once again, i have seen a few comments that should not have been placed, but i give this sight alot of credit.
But yes, please remember that the other person over the board is human. They all have their bad days, good days, sarcastic and even grumpy i'm gunna bit ur head off days. It is not part of this board to be critical but is to help. However, when u r in a bad mood, what u may think is good advice may look critical. I can honestly say that yes, i did not read one of my posts from the other person point of view and i meant it to be quite sarcastic... but yes i was also having a horrible day. YHaha, it was bad, on that day i witnessed a kid younger than i run over a cat so i followed him home, went to his door, made him drive back and find the cat's owner and apologize. I dunno, ii'm typing too much.
Well the point is, if u look at this as positive comm, it will be positive comm. okie, i'm done


since I started this board most of the people on here have been &%$@ing punks and if I ever meet any of you punks in Just kidding, this is the best board I have been on everyone is pretty much trying to help one an other,different viewpoints and opinions on saltwater in general, I think is a good thing.
If you think this is bad try going on an aggressive fish only message board some of those guys are as nasty as their fish.
oh and to all those that ever helped me thankx

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
i also want to thank everyone for the help, ive learned alot the past year. Its funny how brave people get when talking over the computer. Everyone keep giving the best knowledge you can and we will all be better off.
Thanks Again,


Active Member
MichaelTX, thanks for a positive post.:) I always see a lot of "guests" looking around, and I encourage them to sign up and post with the rest of us. If you are reading this as a guest.....what do you have to lose by signing up for free and sharing your experiences no matter what level? You will also get a "user name" and a neat little picture under it.:) :) :D :D There's a "register" button at the it and sign up for free....



Originally posted by MichaelTX
...but anyway this is getting long and I want to appoligize if I ever come off wrong and if I do please just say so and in closeing thanks everyone. even you MODS :D

You're cool Mike, I've read and learn alot about this hobby from this board. I'd decided not to post questions on this board a week ago because of some negative (or even impolite) answers instead of constructive posts. But I think I didn't have to do this since I could always ignore their posts.
To newbie like me, if you don't like the way some one answers and don't wanna see his/her post in the future, just add him to your "ignore list" and you don't have to read his post any more. Just keep in mind, more than one person willing to answer your question nicely.


I agree that some times things get a little heated in here, but everyone is entitled to their opinion and what a boring thing life would be if everyone agreed on everything. I have learned so much from here already and learn more each day . THANKS GUYS............ :D


Geez Mike quit your complaining. HEHE just kidding. I agree I have been on several boards that you do one thing wronge and your out. They also have tons of other threads and if you dont post in the right one they will delete it. I have learned lots here and myhats off to all sharks and mods. ;)


I think thats what its all about learning at helping people out of their problems.
I enjoy the board alot and will continue to be here no matter what people might think LOL
thanks everybody for the posts.I am glad that this thread has went in a direction that I was wanting and not into a another one of those threads LOL
Geez Mike quit your complaining
Hey sombodys got to do it why not me! :D :D :D :D
whats up simm. do you think they will ever get that room up???
hey waterfall this wasnt towards a certain person or group of people it was just a kinda stop and think about some of the things typed and if you are a reader of a post remember there is a person on the other end that can and will make a mistake and of course a thank you to folks.


Staff member
It could well be that some of the comments posted recently are more venting or tinged with sarcasm when helpfulness would have been a better tack to take, but overall, considering the volume of people from all walks of life here, I think we do pretty darn well.
Perhaps this thread will help to clear the way for all of us to approach the problem areas on the BB in a more positive light. Sure, sometimes we get really problematic people here, very very few, that seem to get on everyone’s nerves causing us to get snappy in the way we approach issues and each other. The resent discussions on this may be helpful in that we can all consider what has been said and perhaps improve how we approach things. There is always room for improvement and growth. However, does have rules that need to be abided. They are not that many and it should not be such an issue, however, if the rules really bother you, we would hate to see you go, but it might be the best thing to do. There are plenty of sites that don’t care if you post links to other stores and BB’s, but this one does. That’s it. Lets not argue or debate, because the mods don’t make the rules.
I would suggest that if your overall feeling for is negative, then you should go. Your negativity is effecting the overall quality of the BB as well as impacting members here who like the BB. Negativity and an overall distaste for the BB can only diminish what we are trying to accomplish here. If you stay here only to keep up your relationships with a few other people here, then I’d suggest that you can easily use email or Instant Messaging for that. I personally don’t want to be called names, bashed or flamed, and I expect that no one else does.
However, if feel like I do, and like the BB and want to improve upon it, making it the best anywhere, then please stay and lets all work toward that end. Our goal here is provide a user-friendly, flame-free atmosphere where everyone, no matter what level of hobby exp you have, can learn and share with ease and without fear of being publically humiliated.
Keep in mind, too, that mods are also members and are entitled to the same common courtesies that everyone else expects and deserves.


I totally agree that the tempers do fly here sometimes but this is the best board I've been on.
And if I ever come off wrong just ignore it, probably someone else letting their temper off on me. In other words, don't be negative guys, it rubs!:D
Oh, and if you feel like goin' off at someone, why don't you just write a letter to your next door neighbor complaining about your day and then crumble it up and throw it away.:)



Originally posted by MichaelTX
do you think they will ever get that room up???

Man I dont know. Things there have changed so dramaticaly the last few months. He starts somehting and never finishes it Iv been going to HighTech some.

blue dew

I guess I've been on this board about 7 months now and I have to agree that its the best thing going and has had the greatest effect on the success of my first venture into this hobby. It was also the first board I ever joined. Yes, there are occasional attiudes to deal with, just like there are whenever you're around other people. I may not take the advice of the first person who responds to one of my questions, since I like to get multiple opinions whenever possible, but I certainly appreciate it.
I've also had to swallow my pride when I got a post I thought was rather negative; its gonna happen, but when you can (A) Get good advise free, (B) Get quick answers to questions "you may feel are a crisis", (C) Learn from other peoples mistakes so you don't make them yourself, and (D) Keep your tank and its inhabitants not only alive, but most likely in better health, then the occasional rude comment or flame is worth it, at least to me.
I look forward to improving my knowledge and getting to know the board members better. This is one of the very few sites I vist a few times a day, every day of the week. Glad to be here....


Active Member
I'm getting that warm feeling all over again!!!:) You people.......gosh....(sniffle)... Man. I just wanna say.... I love you guys!! (sobbing) lol...:p There's a little sarcasm there, but not much. Rickster- Dude, sorry for being so harsh on those threads. I can get.....well.....short tempered, and when I have a day from hell, it feels GOOD to rip someone to pieces in writing. But it was the wrong place and time. I did mean what I said though about researching before giving advice, because the mods will 86 you. So, please forgive me, I'm just a d%&k sometimes.:cool:
you know, it is nice to have mud slingers from time to time, there are too many ways of doing what we do that usually, everyone is right, except for those purely stupid boneheads...... it's nice to have different opinions and healthy arguments from time to know after all, not all specimans will act the same
and........some of us hobbyist can do extrodinary things that others of us dare not try....that's when the mud sliggin really happens
but all in all, this is the best board with the best people......:rolleyes: :D


I think alot of people that have posted on this thread have made very valid points and just reading it and airing things out isnt going to hurt one bit.
Simm I have noticed that LOL I check everybody out on a weeekly basis just to see whats going on...