PLease!!! Serious help needed for neglected tank


New Member
I was out of town for 16 weeks and left my *baby* to my Brother with written instructions, even step by step ones, with pictures!
Came home to this?..

Just happens I am moving in a few days, so what help can you all give me.....
Look at pictures *hides face behind hands*
All fish made it... but a few mushrooms
and a green line crab



Active Member
The only problem I can see is a major aptasia problem. No big deal. A water change before you move is probably a mute point. Everything is going to be stirred up for the move.
If it were me...get through the move, set everything back up with your existing water, then change 30-50% next day. Then I would let it settle a few days and do another small one..10-15%.
Then do like CoralDude said and get about 12 true Peppermint shrimp and some more snails to munch the algae.


Active Member
and if the peppermints don't eat it, a copperband might. My peppermints didn't like my aptasia, but my CB at it all - now no more at all. How big is your tank?
Nice coralline growth though.


New Member
thanks !!!
the tank is 110 gallon, I never seem to have a problem with coraline

I am gonna try the pepp. shrimp and a copperband !
My poor tank


New Member
Did he leave the lights on full blast the entire 16 weeks? I'm no expert but I think you have a serious plague of red slime. Unless you like that red coating all over your rocks, you should take a peek at this:
Its long, but its info helped me get rid of my red slime.
And everyone was right about the peppermint shrimp, they should get rid of you aiptasia. Good Luck!
p.s. things like this make me scared to leave town!


I'm sure you did this, but I would of added FW slowly to lower the salinity level in your tank. It would of been very high with that much water lose. After I got my salinity leveled out over a 24 hour period, then I would start doing a 25% water change. Then I would check all my parameters, if everything checked out I would start out by doing a 25% water change maybe everyother day for a couple days, so as not to stress out anything. If I had a high level in something, then I would do a 25% or more depending on how bad the level was. That would be my main concern, the others didn't just crop up because he took care of it. JMO.
The aispatia was going to grow anyway. Even people that take care of their tanks daily will get that. And your moving the tank anyway.
Good luck. It's hard to have someone else take care of your tanks unless they have their own and really know how to do it.


New Member
Have been adding fresh R/O water since I got back and levels are all good
but gonna wait to add anymore untill after the move.
I have no red slime *thank god* just tons of corline I cant get the stuff to stop growing it covers everything
even the shells of my hermits
Is that a bad thing? I didnt think it was.....

I cant wait to post pictures after my move *deep sigh*