Please take note:


Active Member
What is served by continuing to arguing with the moderators over this do it everytime and still haven't changed.
wow there you go again throwing out inaccurrate statements.
this thrread was started to get opinions on what we as members thought. i stated my opinions. where did i argue with the moderator?????
Darth you seem to like to stir up the pot and make it more than what it is. Not going to allow you to do that this time.
I asked my questions........i gave my opinions.............i am done.


Active Member
Let me make on thing perfectly clear:
You make a CHOICE here.
If you post obscene and graphic

material....and you did are NEVER EVER welcome back here. THat is a line and an area from which you can not return, because you can not be trusted.
We have given some people second chances when they TRULY change their patterns. They stop hanging around the Aquarium. They don't announce who they are. They go back to becoming productive members and lose their old "friends" in crime.
The thread and pictures you posted...the fact that you had access to them and decided to post them in rapid quick succession in an effort to overwhelm the boards and moderators here means you will NEVER be welcome back.
I cringe at the thought that CHILDREN may have seen that. I would never let you around my children, anyone I know, and I will not happily let you post here like nothing happened. You do not have a RIGHT to post here. And saying your sorry and coming back the next day? Come on.
I'm sorry, but you picked that poison, in one of THE most VILE string of postings I have ever seen in my life.
The reason many of you don't see these pictures or those the other night - and honestly, thank God you don't (remember that legal post earlier about various vile fetishes??? Yeah, posts like THAT) is because we try hard hard hard to stay on top of that through any means we can. We CAN"T go and answer real questions when this happens.
But you've forced me to have something in my life that is not welcome and that I do not seek. Its disgusting. It is offensive. And you forced it on people out of spite and selfishness. Do I sound ticked off? Yeah, I'm ticked off. :mad:
The language has also been an issue for sure. I wish I could give you and example, but string a few choice curses together and throw in someone's name, and think if you would like your kids to come as you what that means after seeing a FISH BOARD.
If you post such can do NOTHING to come back. You will be banned each and every time. You will feel some happiness that you "got around it" but when we find you, you will be banned again. I don't care if you go out and write a friggin book on corals and are a world's expert. You are not welcome back. So why would you keep trying?
This is why if you are a poster and feel you are seeing someone "new" who seems to "know people or the ropes" REPORT THEM IMMEDIATELY.
It is up for the good posters to take control here. If you see a bad post, report it, don't point it out in the thread. REPORT IT. Honestly, there are like 5 of us with quite a few forums who are doing other jobs all day. Please, don't cry about how we let a thread go on
Throw us a friggin bone here.
DARTH - thank you so much
I appreciate your posts. And I will like to also add that this forum has had long threads on politics and religion that for some reason people can for the most part handle with a few "I like pie" reminders now and then. I would not like to remove those, because it is fairly unique to this board that we allow it at all. Mostly, mature people participate in those threads, IME....well, except for yesterday.

This is one of those times when I am not out to try and smooth anything over. It happens now and then but if you know me, you know it is not common...and odd how the last time I really got ticked off...hmmm....what did it involve :notsure: :thinking: There is nothing to smooth over here.
All I can say is that if you guys really thing this is about some harmless chatting and people saying "C^%P!" then its not. I hope you have not really seen exactly what the problems are. Just understand, this is "end of the rope" kind of stuff. Legal action kind of stuff. Don't want this forced down my throat moderating a fish board kind of stuff. There is a time that you decide if you want to have certain things in your life, and I'm at that crossroads because of a few people here. Not 99% of you. But a few.


New Member
The picture you want to keep refering to was not posted by me but another user who is back and still posting. AS well as every other person that was in that thread that night but yet they haven't been banned and none of them have appolagized for their action as of this date .


Active Member
There was not one picture. There was not one thread. And people may still be going.
And if you feel there was some injustice...then by all means report a post and let us know who should also be removed like yourself. I am all for applying the ban evenly. You are right, you should ALL be banned. Not just yourself.
If you really want to put that chapter behind you, then get everyone the boot...and find a new home to start posting on.
Its entirely possible that you are sorry. But to demonstrate that, I would stop trying to come back, IMO.

37g joe

Personally I am very thankful that the mods are taking action on this. as I am writing this my almost two year old son is in eye view of the computer screen. Often I well check these posts when my wife has people over (my computer is in my living room). I dont want to be subjected to these pics nor do I want my friends and family to be subjected. If the Mods had choose not to act on these maters i would choose not to come on here. I have seen forums that run rapant they are non productive and childish. thankfully this site for the most part is mature. Thier have been people on here who I have enjoyed some of thier insights that have gotten banned but I understand their must be a good reason for the baning.
I personally would like to see the aquarium stay. As long as thier is open mature discussion on topics such as the common political and religious topics and as long as people try not to attack other people I think they should stay. I admit I have flamed 2 or three times after someone really frustrated me but also i have seen the results of those actions and they only cause stress.
Sometimes its hard to be the bigger person and apologise but sometimes it is nessecary. Also if you notice that every time you go into certain discussion your feeling tend to get hurt or you get angry stay out of those topics. If somethin is hot and you get burned once you dont need to go touch it a secound time to see if you well get burned again.
37g(Cant we all just get along)Joe


New Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
There was not one picture. There was not one thread. And people may still be going.
And if you feel there was some injustice...then by all means report a post and let us know who should also be removed like yourself. I am all for applying the ban evenly. You are right, you should ALL be banned. Not just yourself.
Thats ok I'll let you do your own detective work . :hilarious
If you really want to put that chapter behind you, then get everyone the boot...and find a new home to start posting on.
Its entirely possible that you are sorry. But to demonstrate that, I would stop trying to come back, IMO.

very sound advice

I was trying to be an adult and add my opinion . It's too bad that you felt the need to talk down to me . it only shows both of our true personalities. Me trying to be humble and help out and you showing a high and mighty judgemental attitude that people can't make mistakes and even if they do they are to be judged on past deads and not present actions .
By the way feel free to use my ideas about how to moderate the forums better

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmmm....this has taken a very interesting turn.....hopefully for the better. It may be painful...but hopefully it'll work out the source of some of our problems.
I haven't pointed fingers...I could....but I won't. I will say that a couple of members (former members) now back under alias names have participated in this discussion...which pleases me. Its the members such as yourselves that really motivated this rant I started. Both of your have of your own free will gone WAY over the line....both of you got the boot for doing so....and both of you are here and still feel its somehow your RIGHT to post on this site.
Sorry....but I must agree....thats should not be tolerated. Your presence here is simply put....WRONG. If you can't stay away then we as mods must do all we can to prevent your participation.
You see...the problems are part of the problem...and if allowed to stay then what reason do we have to believe you'll not go off the deep end yet again. To top things off its usually you and others with the same type attitudes that perpetuate the "chat" threads. So your presence here will continue to deterioate the "chat" threads and result in them being edited/deleted/constantly monitored for problems.
One MAJOR problem....the abbusive nature/content of some of the things the two of you (and numerous others) have dumped here...of your own free will.
Contributes to a few relatively minor problems in comparission.... The never ending return of un-welcome members that have taken action to get themselves booted.
The existence of "chat" threads that allow you to participate and continue the actions you were removed for to begin with.
Seriously...both of you...I appreciate your willingness to step up and allow yourselves to be heard. It may indeed help those of us that care about this site to better manage the problems and source of those problems.
BUT...I still think that the actions you took should prevent you from ever being accepted members and I will continue to do all I can to notify admin of your presence and request your removal. That is not a choice I is simply put a choice you forced on me and I will comply with your insistenance that appropiate action be taken.'ve made yourselves not took that live within and find someplace else to play. I don't want you here nor do I want to keep an eye out for your next outburst of profanity and pornography!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Um, thanks RUSTYSDAD but I will not be using your advice to moderate these boards. :scared: :scared: :scared: And I think people would be grateful for that

But thanks for the offer



Is there a way to block the posting of pics in certain threads or would the setting cover the whole messgae board?
Apparently I missed this whole episode...I am a fan of the "Aquarium" and visit it everyday....I go back and forth between the other forums and the aquarium and like the chatting that is done there....I agree that offensive language and pics do not belong there and those offenders should be dealt with...
IM'ing wouldn't be an option for me as I don't know anyone here well enough to chat...the "Aquarium" does allow me to include myself and get to know the rest of the members(as well as you can on a message board) it also allows me to do so at times when I may be online and the others may not(hence IM not working)....
It will be a shame if this forum get shut down.....I feel it also helps out the site b/c when I'm on here I'm also looking at stuff to BUY(which I do)
Shu(Keep the AQUARIUM OPEN)perman

37g joe

Misery Loves company
By closing the aquarium you would just be giving more attention to the perpertrators and Some might even want you to close the aquarium because they ruined it for themselves so they just might as well ruin it for everyone else. Thier would either be two results from the closer.
1) they would just go into other topics in swf forumn and create the same problems.
2) or goto another site and do the same thing and the only people being punished would be the people who did nothing wrong.
we should not allow them the satisfaction of being able to close the Aquairum.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I am one of the members who spend most of my time in the fish tank related boards and rarely post in the Aquarium board and then IMO there are members who are just the opposite.
I use this site to farther my knowlage with keeping aquariums and to help people if I can as well with their aquariums.
I would not miss the Aquarium board if it went away at all.
I know one can say then just stay out of it then....but, alot of the people that do play these games in the aquarium sometimes bring their antics into the tank boards and that makes it wrong for the ones trying to get or give advice there.
I dont want for the Aquarium board to go away and I dont have any answers as to how to control it. I myself have used the red triangle several times when I saw things really upsetting even to me.
Im sure as said that the Mods have a really hard time watching everything and I myself really appreciate their knowledge and willingness to help people in the hobby and if monitoring the Aquarium takes them away from helping people in the Tank boards then maybe the best thing for the site as a whole would be for the aquarium to go away.
Just thinking........
I totally agree


Staff member
Originally Posted by RUSTYSDAD
I was trying to be an adult and add my opinion . It's too bad that you felt the need to talk down to me . it only shows both of our true personalities. Me trying to be humble and help out and you showing a high and mighty judgemental attitude that people can't make mistakes and even if they do they are to be judged on past deeds and not present actions .
You don't seem to understand that there is no forgiving on this issue. You and your cohorts are sick individuals and, apparently, you can't realize that for yourself and finally just go away and leave us alone. Only a self centered, sociopath who did not give a damn about children or the the decent folks on this forum would have posted that for all to be revolted. And only such an individual would repeatedly return when it is clear you are not wanted here. You imply that you were not in the appropriate state of mind. Obviously not, so the rest of us had to be subjected to your filth. No one with a shred of decency would even have those pictures, be interested in that kind of degenerate filth; you had them, took the time to collect them, then rapid fired them on our site.
As Susan said, if you wish to redeem yourself a tiny bit, then help us eliminate the rest of your partners. I know, and everyone here knows you will not do this, though, will you. You have not changed and would do it again when the mood strikes.


Staff member
For those who are concerned about chatting. Yes, we would ask you to think before you sit in front of the pc to just chit chat away with a few friends, but this issue does not fall into the same pot as some of the other issues that have come up in this thread. So don't be confused. I think we have been pretty clear about the issue, and many of you have requested this clarification.
Basically, if topics have general interest to our community, then that is fine. If you are in a chat with a few of your friends, then that would be considered chatty subjects that you should just use AIM for, and not use us SWF bandwith.


Active Member
most of what I have to say on this issue has been said...
yes I have actively participated in "chat threads", but doesnt any thread become a chat if 2 people are discussing a topic and no one else joins (have been a part of these threads to). At no point was anyone not welcome to join, being flamed or any blatant disregauard for this site.
mods why are you targeting the aquarium??? there are plenty of "spammers" in the other forums too!!! you can tell exactly who they are... been here less than a couple month and have over 1,000 posts... and all of their posts contain, but are not limited too these very simple and mindless noncontributing responses:
I agree

wow nice pix/nice tank

or sometimes they just flat out give bad advice!!!
I read the other forums all the time, and will post if I can offer advice that hasnt already been stated, its a topic of Opinion that can be discussed/debated, or if someone has blatantly given bad advice...
I do enjoy the Aquarium, and remember (like TangGuy) when it was taken away once before... This site is active and a great resource...


Active Member
Well I'm glad that I missed the posting earlier. I do want to say that the Mods do the best job possible for such a few of them and so many threads. They can't catch everything. I have been advised a couple of times about posting competitors etc. I understand why.
This thread started by NM was to get feelings about the Aquarium threads. Does it not just take up ALOT of space for what? Idiotic threads like," Finish my thoughts", or Finish this sentance". Yes I have posted in a couple of these but then realized it was a useless waste of time and was not helping me learn anything or helping anyone else.
IMO when you have open threads like this and children are able to enter with adults there will be problems. Lucky for us most of the offensive ones are banned, but they keep coming back. There should be a way to make registration monitored in a fashion that would not allow someone that is banned to re-join. My rant is over. Thanks to the mods for their service.


Originally Posted by ruaround
most of what I have to say on this issue has been said...
yes I have actively participated in "chat threads", but doesnt any thread become a chat if 2 people are discussing a topic and no one else joins (have been a part of these threads to). At no point was anyone not welcome to join, being flamed or any blatant disregauard for this site.
mods why are you targeting the aquarium??? there are plenty of "spammers" in the other forums too!!! you can tell exactly who they are... been here less than a couple month and have over 1,000 posts... and all of their posts contain, but are not limited too these very simple and mindless noncontributing responses:
I agree
wow nice pix/nice tank

or sometimes they just flat out give bad advice!!!
I read the other forums all the time, and will post if I can offer advice that hasnt already been stated, its a topic of Opinion that can be discussed/debated, or if someone has blatantly given bad advice...
I do enjoy the Aquarium, and remember (like TangGuy) when it was taken away once before... This site is active and a great resource...
I agree in whole ***) ***) ***)


Active Member
Interesting, but all too familiar problem here. I used to mod here back in the day, and recall having the OT forum removed for similar reasons. It was reinstituted after some fervent lobbying by a few of the mods, myself included. It was felt that the OT forum added a nice dimension to the site, and that other boards offered them as well. My take on OT forums is that after a time, they become a hang out for certain members, most of which rarely post in the hobby related forums at all. I wonder if some of these folks even maintain a fish tank.
Forget the argument about free speech and the related "rights" you all feel you have.
This board is owned and maintained by private individuals and they call the shots, and rightfully so. There are dozens of boards out there that let you get away with pretty much anything. has never and should not be one of those places. The OT forum is a bonus. Abuse it and it disappears, maybe for good next time. Keep it civil, and use it for a place to have decent discussions about interesting things and it can be an enjoyable diversion. As far as bashing the mods..Grow up. It's a thankless job with no pay and no benefits. They volunteer their time just as some of you do for other causes. It's not a power trip as much as it is a headache at times, but good members make it bearable and even enjoyable at times. Give 'em a break. bottom line; it's a fish board. Why all the drama. You abuse the user agreement and get banned? Man-up and take responsibility. To little of that these days IMO.


Active Member
OK, to address a couple of things:
We can not go deleting bad advice about fish tanks. Because why have a message board at all? It is to exchange ideas, if you think it is bad advice, then provide alternatives without telling someone how stupid their advice is. If the majority of people posting disagree with it, than likely the person asking the question will see that anyway.
In addition, though "bump," "nice tank" and "I agree" can get annoying under some circumstances, they are just in no way comparable to the other issues really...if it is an entire thread of that, its one thing but it would be so utterly time consuming to delete such posts......and I see no reason to. For several people, the only thing they might be able to contribute is "nice tank" and they should be welcome to do that.
It is not about 2 people "chatting" about refugiums without additional participation...that is still of benefit to readers.
The issue is about minute by minute chatting about completely random stuff that I reckon no one else really WANTS to be a part of or finds any benefit from. It is about obscene language and pictures. About implied issues that I didn't come here to think about. ABout some posters who feel they are here to provide some sort of social commentary in the Aquarium, and are mourned when lost.


Active Member
Just wanted to post my thoughts... should probably keep out of it but oh well.
First, I just wanted to say a couple words about mitzel... aka... whatever. He is not sick or a sociopath. He is a good father, pretty knowledgeable about aggressive fish and a pretty nice guy. Not to get too mushy
but he has become a friend through this site. Many of these types of friendships develop in The Aquarium and some posters value these (although I understand that they may be a pain for the mods).
As far as the obscene thread from a couple months ago, I am familiar with the thread. I mention this thread because I have become aware of another, recent thread that I didn't see. I think there should be a distinction made regarding the intent of the thread. Were the participants evil, criminal or were they simply being mischevious? Not to justify it because it was admittedly wrong and completely inappropriate. I'm sure anyone involved would now admit that it was a mistake. But I would hesitate to use words like sociopath when we're talking about something that was probably meant as a bad joke but just escalated out of hand. Finally, I believe that the thread was created in the middle of the night when there were probably no kids around.
Honestly, it seems as if there has been some tension created between some posters and some mods. I think that some of the issues that have come up here are the source of some animosity. This is unfortunate because some good people have left or been banned because of their frustration. The mods may say good riddence to these people and believe the problems have been solved. I disagree because I know some good people have been lost. Personally, I would prefer to extend the metaphorical "olive branch" to the mods. I think this is what mitzel has tried to do too. For the most part I think the mods do an excellent job. There are one or two that I think could benefit from getting involved more with the people here rather than judging them. I think this would benefit the mods, posters and the boards as a whole. But this is JMO and probably not what this thread's about.