please tell me EVERYTHING that will eat green hair algae


It may sound weird, but I need something to take care of my green hair algae. I have hermits and snails only, but my overflow box and glass is starting to get a decent amount of hair algae.
I konw the lawnmover blennie is great, but what are my other options. I have a 55g /55lbs LR tank that I am going for a reef setup, so I can only have a few fish.
I dont really like the looks of that blennie, so I was curious what else I can get.
p.s. nothing against blennies...if its the best option, I will do it....just wondering what my options are


Active Member
I have heard that LMB, emerald crabs, turbo snails will all eat hair algae. however, I have tried all and they did not work.
I had to treat ich with hyposalinity and found that this does kill hair algae, but that would be a drastic step.
if you are doing everything right and making sure that there are no phosphates in the water, it will eventually take care of itself.


Active Member
I had an emerald crab that ate my hair small outbreak of hair algae. Hasnt come back since. I also saw my blue leg hermits munching on it as well.


yeah, i guess my blue legs eat what is on the ground and LR, but it is growing on my overflow box....stupid questin....but can lawnmower blennies swim to the top of a tank to eat?


Active Member
The best thing I found was Mexican Turbo Snails however I can never seen to keep them alive for more then a few months..


Active Member
Get the smallest yellow tang you can find and don't get to attached to him he will outgrow the tank in one to two years so be prepared to find a suitable home for him. I have seen adults the size of dinner plates
Most tangs at LFS are fed frozen brine and malnourished so he will probably be overjoyed to go into your tank and go right to work. After a few weeks you may even find it necessary to supplement his diet with dried algae sheets.


55lbs LR
RO water
(2) 65W actinics
(2) 12000k
moon leds
been done with cycling for about 4 fish , just 10 hermits and 5 snails and 1 SSstar


plan on more snails, but cycle ended only 3-4 weeks ago so I didnt go out and buy a bunch of stuff...afraid to upset the bio load.
thanks kinda what I am asking. I am upping my stock and I obviously need cleaners..especially in the green hair dept. so either a LMblennie or turbo snails?
is that it?