Please tell me what is on my fish (see pictures) thanks!!


Hi, I just got this Hog fish a couple of days ago and my Dragon goby showed signs of something a little different about a week ago. My goby has a white blotch on him that seems to be going away.
Anyway here is the Hog fish that I have and this mark on him seems to be getting worse, it is kind of a light red in color. Please tell me what you think it could be... thanks
It is the blotch over his eye.
edit: strange but for some reason it won't let me post the actual picture ... only the link!?



could be a couple things, but what pops into my head first is what is you're water quality. a lot of times when fish get splotches like this it is because the water quality isn't as great as it should be. this happens a lot with angelfish and tangs.


Active Member
the hogfish may have early signs of HLLE (head and lateral line errosion). And the blotchy fish may be from poor water conditions as stated above. The hog could have been bit by another fish, but form the pics there, i dont see one that would make a bite that size.
what are you water perameters?
what are you feeding?


Originally Posted by fishieness
the hogfish may have early signs of HLLE (head and lateral line errosion). And the blotchy fish may be from poor water conditions as stated above. The hog could have been bit by another fish, but form the pics there, i dont see one that would make a bite that size.
what are you water perameters?
what are you feeding?
Not sure what HLLE is but will it get worse ?
Here is my readings
Nitrite .25 (since I added some fish as it was at -0- but the tank is still on the new side)
Nitrate 20
ph 8.2
salt 1.019
Should I take put this guy into a hospital tank and treat him with some meds you could recommend or will he get better ... today the other fish (my goby) looks fully healed from the white blotch :cheer:


Active Member
if the goby is fully healed, then the hog may too. I wouldnt put meds anywhere, but that is my personal opinion. There are a few things that oculd cause HLLE, one is bad water quality (if you goby is healed the the hog may soon), stray voltage (is your equipment grounded?), or poor diet (what are you feeding).
however, it may not be HLLE at all, it is jsut a guess on my part that it could be the start of. go to the disease and treatment forum and click on the stickied thread on top for some pics so you can decide.
PS: if conditions, whatever they may be, worsen or do not improve, then it could eventualy kill the fish.


you said your tank is on the new side, but i see that you have at least 4 fish... how long did you wait in between additions. The point of your tank cycling is so that when you add new fish, you don't see any ammonia or nitrites... so IMO, you've added too many fish too soon. You should wait at least 2-4 weeks in between additions.


How often do you do water changes? HLLE can get real bad, it is normally a nutrision problem. Make sure to feed 3-4 different types of foods to help with nutrision. Start changing 15 -20% of water once a week until it is better.


thanks for the suggestions ... unfortunately he is a goner ... it got a lot worse since I posted and he didn't make it.


Active Member
Sorry to hear that but it looks like a typical round mark left by that toby.
I would keep an eye on him...he may do this to other fish as well.


Active Member
sorry to hear about your fish... : (
if your specific gravity is really at 1.019 you need to raise it...should be btween 1.023 and 1.026