....besides have qt'd them, lol! I think i have ich, have seen white spots that look raised on the skin and fins of my purple, hippo and powder blue tang. sometimes when i look in there it's on them, sometimes it's not, but i know it can't be sand or something. the hippo rubs on the rocks. i have 2 10 gallon tanks in the shed. should i try n catch them n just throw em in the 10 gallons with water from the dt? should i try n cycle the 10 gallons? how should i do that if you think that's how i should do it & will it take too long? is 2 10 gallons going to be enough for them? I had a coral beauty n put in a 10 gallon when it got ich once i started treatment it died the next day. i don't know if that's bc i just threw the hospital tank together or what. or should i try n take my inverts out n put them in the 10 gallons...? i can't put all of my fish n leave the dt fishless for 6 weeks...i KNOW they all couldn't fit in the 2 10s. please give me some husband will kill me if these 3 fish die!