Please watch this video!


What the ????
Is it eating normally?
Is it doing this all the time?
To me the three things that come to mind are:
1) swim bladder issue
2) too much flow - this can be tested by turning off flow and seeing if this still occurs
3) he's insane


Yea it's scary. The first morning I noticed I thought there was an electrical / grounding issue so I quickly unplugged everything but still the same. Yes eats fine and acts normal afterwards. He is so tired he basically floats around until he recovers. Tonight I turned the lights on he was doing it. This time my coral banded shrimp witnessed this and actually grabbed him and brought him behind a rock. I actually had to free him. He just let the shrimp grab him


Originally Posted by jbailey52 http:///t/394318/please-watch-this-video#post_3509654
Yea it's scary. The first morning I noticed I thought there was an electrical / grounding issue so I quickly unplugged everything but still the same. Yes eats fine and acts normal afterwards. He is so tired he basically floats around until he recovers. Tonight I turned the lights on he was doing it. This time my coral banded shrimp witnessed this and actually grabbed him and brought him behind a rock. I actually had to free him. He just let the shrimp grab him
The shrimp is grabbing him because he's weak. He's letting the shrimp grab him because he's weak. I really think there's a major issue going on with this fish. This is so far out of the norm for a clown, or any fish really.
I really think it's a swim bladder issue.


It still happens a couple times a day, but other than those episodes it acts totally normal jut like always. Always has a strong appetite also. It's actually hard watching it happen.


Well-Known Member
I really think you should reocate him to a hospital tank and see if he repeats the behavior in another environment. Poor guy....looks like that would use a LOT of energy; I'm sure he's very weak after one of those attacks.


Yea be is exhausted afterwards. All the fish are currently in. 20 g hospital tank for the last week as I am relocating my display tank as an in wall setup in my office. And he's it still happens in there.