Please...which skimmer and filter is best?



PLease offer opinion. What skimmer and Filter should I use? I have a 55 gallon tank. I need to use a hanging skimmer. I am considering floval 304 filter. What skimmer? Is a Red SeaPHarm hang on good? I already hate my LFS!!!! I will use this site to make all of my decisions and ask noone that works at a store!!!! I have already returned a few things...UGH!!
PLease give advice!!!!! ANy, too. I want reef and a small amount of fish.
Thanks sooo much! :help: :help: :help:


Active Member
Coralife superskimmer and aqua c remora seem to be the popular skimmers on here. I have the coralife and it works great but, the collection cup towers over the back of the tank so you can always see the gunk in it.
As a general rule, you can't trust your lfs!!! You get much better, more accurate advice on here.
I own the other skimmer the Aqua C Remora, i`ve had it for about 2 years on my 55 gallon reef with no problems. It is slim so you don`t need lots of room in the back of your tank. It does produce alot of bubbles so the preskimmer add-on is a must. As far a filters fo I use a powerfilter rated 400 gph cheap emperor, most of the main filtration I use is from the liverock and livesand


Active Member
I have a CPR Bak Pak skimmer. It has worked great for me. I looked into the Aqua Remora as there are great reviews. But I couldn't find a used one. I am on a budget so that is why I was looking for a used one. My CPR works great though
As far as filters go. I have a Penguin 350 biowheel. It works great. Has extra places to put extra media and such. It is over kill for my tank, but I personally prefer over kill. It is rated for a 75 gallon tank. I have a 29 gallon.


Active Member
on my 55 reef i have a amiracle mini quad skimmer (rated for 100 gallons i think) and a fluval 404, my water is SUPER clear, and all corals are thriving


Active Member
Another vote for the Aqua C Remora. I have one and I like it. I haven't had a big problem with bubbles.
For filtration, I just use an old Skilter full of chaetomorpha (a macroalgae that pulls nitrates from the water as it grows) and standard cartridges.


+1 for the aqua c remora. I have one on my mildly stocked 75 and it was the best buy i have ever made for my tank. Dont get a canister filter. They somtimes have leaks and can cause problems. If i where you i would invest in a large wet/dry or refugium. Good luck!