We breed gold stripe maroons we have a pair in a 72 bowfront and a pair in our 220 cube. A breeding pair of GSM's are VERY VERY agressive, our female regularly draws blood. Often they are not very affectionate of tankmates especially once they start spawning.
GSM's are one of the hardest clowns to raise, the fry are extremely small, most can't eat regular rotifers the first day. We spent well over a year trying and still have fairly low success ~40 or so per batch. On top of that they are much harder than other clowns to grow out, because they HATE each other. Those peaceful schools of hundreds of baby clowns all nestled together, well not with GSM's. As soon as they get their stripes the weakest are picked off by the largest so be prepared to have MANY growout tanks to split them up.
Don't mean to sound too negative but they are actually a fairly hard clownfish to raise, much more so than clarkii;s etc...
Good luck!!!