plenum system


Active Member
i've heard lotsa good stuff about the plenum, the only major difference that i have heard of is
more difficult to set up
and much more difficult to replace or work on later
other than that, all i've heard is descent to good, mostly the differences in work when it is needed


Yes, setup has to be done correctly. The depth of the water void and also the grain size of the sand must be large enough. In all expect the plenium to take up a minimum of 5 inches in the tank.
While I understand the principals of the plenium system it seams to me that it is a one man crusade by Goemans. Not to say that they don't work but the scientific community in general does not support it and the majority of tanks in the US are DSB's.


Am I correct in assuming that by just adding live sand a little at a time to get to 4" I would not have to take out the egg crate & hardware cloth? I don't want to cause any future problems.