Plexiglass OK for cover? (heat)


New Member
Looking for some advice whether clear plexiglass can withstand heat in close proximity to 6x 96 watt power compact bulb setup? Existing plastic sheet is warped, salt encrusted,and opaque and thus blocking a good amount of light. Local hardware store cuts various strengths of plexiglass / glass. They have fireplace glass but I think that is overkill and spendy.


actually you don't want to put a "full" cover over your tank for a few different reasons. The biggest reason is that by having a full cover you limit the air/water mixture which is important to your tank. The second reason is it will cause your water temperature to rise. What I have used ( Have a full canopy now) is eggcrate. You can pick that up at any hardware store. It is designed for flourescent lights, it won't melt and it keeps your fish in. Hope that helps.

heart & sole

I tried the plexiglass thing on my little 20g and with in 5 hrs the plexiglass was warped and covered in water beads and the temp in the tank shot up...So i would not recommend it. Using the egg crate cover is what i would recommend..