plumbers putty?


Still having trouble with my aquascaping. Holdfast is not working, someone suggested plumbers putty??? Anyone use it and is it safe to put into existing reef tank. Any other suggestions as to how to hold pieses together without a tank break-down to rebuild?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Damn there is a plumber’s putty you can use. I remember trying to buy it but my local plumbing supply store did not have I. Will see if I can find where I read about it I think it gives a brand name


I just picked up some pc marine (green stick) from ace hardware for fresh and saltwater........and some pc11 (2 part mix) just let it set up before applying......

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Zip ties,acrylic rods ,1/2" PVC.....all these are options too.You will have to pull out the pieces and do it outside the tank but if you keep it wet all should be well.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by dfreeman64
florida Joe,
if you can find that name brand PLEASE get it to me!
Thanks Dewayne
I am still looking throught some books to find the name. I made a call to a friend and he said you should check out.
Aqua Stick Putty for Marine Reefs


Well-Known Member
I've used Aqua Stick Putty with pretty good results...
Unless I am trying to do something really special with rockwork, I personally don't bother with epoxy putty or any holdfast materials.
Check out my 90g pics in my blog to see some of my aquascaping skills... :D :D