Plumbing correct? Squidd, Bang, SCS?


Thanks for all the help. Here are three pictures with plumbing installed on my 135 gallon.
Sump is on the left, refugium on right.
Two drains from main tank. One goes directly to sump. One has a tee and goes to refugium and sump. Refugium has a ball valve to control flow. The sump line off of the tee has a ball valve for "no good reason".
Refugium overflow drains into sump.
Mag drive 18 has not arrived yet. will sit next to the skimmer.
Sound right?
Feel free to add suggestions.
Thanks again for everything.


Active Member
Looks good.
Suggestion from experience, get the return pump away from the skimmer output. Either as far as possible or on the other side of baffles. If it is near/next to it you will get a lot of bubbles sucked into your return and into your tank. This not only makes more noise, it causes microbubbles in your tank which can detract from appearance.
Other than that, looks great!


Active Member
Looks good from here...
I would put a piece of plywood or styrofoam between fuge tank and concrete block though..


thanks Grog and Squidd.
Now....another problem........maybe should be as new thread.
I have 140 pounds of lr arriving 01-09-07. 70 pounds were not available to ship meaning I will get the last 70 pounds 7-10 days later.
??90 gallons of sw in tank tonight? Sand and 140 pounds of lr tomorrow in the tank?
Then....When the other 70 pounds arrives, cycle in seperate tank?
It's cured rock that is being shipped.
Thanks for any thoughts.


Active Member
"cured" rock that is shipped longer cured. You will have to go through a curing cycle.
What I would do is get the LR in the tank and start cycling. Then when the rest arrives, put in tank in final arrangement (can take hours to get things set right) and the continue the curing process. The partially cured rock will help speed up the new rock and cycle the tank. Either way going to be 4-6 weeks before you can even think of putting in anything live.


That was the answer I was looking for. Thanks. Dont worry. I'll be patient.
I'm planning on a fish or two and a couple easy coral the end of February.
I value a few opinions on here much more than the lfs.
when can I buy the 150 cleaning crew from this site? After the initial cure or after all rock is in and water paramiters are stable?
Cant say thanks enough.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Deric203
after all rock is in and water paramiters are stable?
Agree with Squidd 110%


I got smacked around on another site for possible bubbles in the tank and the wrong size pump.
pump is a mag drive 18.
this was the plan.

Here is the new plumbing configuration.

Any suggestions?


Can i keep the water level in the sump down around 5 inches? I think I need that for power outage protection.