plumbing pics?


Show off your plumbing pics.I need ideas.I am thinking of changing to pvc. I have a AGA 210 with 2 drilled mega flows going into a ProCear 400 wet dry.Right now I have 2 King 5 pumps.I think each pump is rated at 1500gph.Thanks


Active Member
Thw water makes it through the bulkhead on the left hand side through the hard plumbing over some bioballs. Then over into the skimmer compartment which I recentley upgraded to an ASM G2 (Not the one in the pics) then through another set of baffles that have a sponge to a mag 12 pump that pumps them back through a 25W U.V. Sterlizer and back into the tank. The sump is an oceanic model 2 sump. I use to have a fish only system, if I were setting it up today I would ditch the bio balls for a fuge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brucewrs
wow,nice job! What is all of that stuff next to the chiller?
I am using lifeguard's chemical, mechanical and UV along their sand filter. Left of the chiller is the calcium reactor I later moved under the stand.