

I just got done with my plumbing, so I though I would show some pics. I realy like how it turned out, even though it looks like a mess. It is all piped into the closet, so I can just shut the door and not look at it. I do have one question though, does anyone know how to fix a leak in pvc? One of my joints is leaking, so I can't run the water to my fuge yet.


Did you glue all the PVC fixtures, elbows, or anything else with PVC glue? If not you definitly need to do that. Also I would suggest you get a few unions if you dont have them already. These let you "disconnect" the PVC for easy maintince.


everything is glued, but one must not have sealed properly. I don't have any unions. I don't know what they look like. Is it too late to add them or can I just cut the pipe and stick them in?


Active Member
If everything is already glued you should cut the area out that is leaking and put unions in as well at the same shot!!!!!!


well, here is the other problem, the part that is leaking is the part that is connected to my overflow. I would have to get a whole new peice from CPR. Woudl epoxy work or maybe silicon?


Active Member
So what your saying is it's leaking where your PVC glues into the bottom or back side of your bulkhead????


Active Member
You could try to reglue it, but doubt it would seal.... Don't know about using any type of epoxy would probably work, but if you need to take it apart would probably be hard to do... Why not just bite the bullet and purchase a new bulkhead and reglue that section


I will probably do that. Maybe I will just try the epoxy for the fun of it. If it works then I learned something and if it doesn't, oh well I am going to buy a new bulkhead anyway. Thanks for all the help I really apreciate it.