PlusRite MH bulbs


Active Member
Anyone ever use these? I bought four 250W 14K since they were dirt cheap to try them, and man, they look as white as the 10Ks!


Active Member
thats because they have poor color rendition index (CRI) in the 50-60 range compared to quality bulbs which are in the 90 range. Poor PAR as well. They are intended for industrial use where PAR and CRI arent that important.


Active Member
Yeah, I've noticed that the blue color just sucks. Thanks for the update, do you have any reference for the PAR values so that I can look them up?


Active Member
Just bought four new 250W Phoenix DE bulbs at 14K. The PAR rating on them was a 73, way over the 20K XM bulbs. Now I've got something good to look forward to :)


Active Member
Yes they do, and they guy who sold them wouldn't even respond to my inquiries about why they were white. They were sold as an aquarium bulb, so I'm shipping them back and disputing the charge. What a schmo...well, me too actually :)
Actually, how good is a PAR of 73?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farslayer
Actually, how good is a PAR of 73?

depends. To use PAR comparatively it has to be measured at the same distance (PAR at 10" will be higher than PAR at 15"), same reflector ect as the bulb being compared too. Different ballast will affect PAR as well. some bulbs are designed to work better with one type than another so if you are say comparing two bulbs on a probe start ballast and one bulb is design to work best on a pulse start ballast it may not be a fair comparison if you compare them both on a probe start ballast (although if thats what you have it will tell you which one works best with what you have). Just a PAR value of 73 is pretty meaningless.
As for the PAR and CRI of the PlusRite bulbs I couldn't tell when and where the source was. All I can tell you is when I was weighing options looking for cheap solutions and egay bulbs I googled the hell out of those and did come up with some (but not much) info. The CRI is not too hard to find. Good luck on the PAR values. hell I may even be wrong about those.


Active Member
Na, you're probably right, they look like crap. I can't wait for Thursday when my Phoenix bulbs come in.
Now here's a question you may or may not know. Why would my ballasts have trouble igniting the bulbs? Sometimes they come on, sometimes they don't. I cycle power and sometimes the others come on whereas the others don't. Seems completely random. My light system is an Aqua Medic.