plz help my xenia is about to die w? pic


Active Member
i need help reviving my pulsing xenia :help: :help: :help:
i suspect that it may be my salinity level
it was at 1.022 and ive been topping my tank off with salted water adding just a little bit of salt each time
the rest of my parameters are at where there supposed to be


Active Member
Do the hands stay closed like that all the time...??
Xenia is a stange coral and often can look does look a little still and IMO does best in a brisk current. Enough to slightly bend the stalks. But it looks OK to me.


Active Member
Xenia can be a tricky at times, but most likely your iodine is a bit low. Do you test? As for your salinity, did you measure with a hydrometer or refractometer?


Because the stuff spreads like wildfire. I started with the piece in my avatar and now i have about six different stalks growing.


Active Member
I can only suspected to be water change that happened to mines when I had water change or a top off. It can still recover just give it time xenia always recover unless your water was really bad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by A&A2
Reefreak---why do u have to weed it?
i started with 1 stalk 2 years ago and since then i can have filled up 2 buckes full of the stuff i threw out


I started with 3 stalks , after 3 months was up to 12...
then had 3 melt away all the sudden...
the other 9 or so are still growing and splitting like nothing happened....very strange....


Active Member
It definately doesn't look great. For some reason I can propagate xenia like crazy! IMO experience at work, that's how the xenia looked after the vlamingi started eating it...not great. When it starts clamping and discoloring and deflated like that, it's not a good sign. I am sorry for your loss and if you were close enough I would trade or sell you some!


mine did the same thing when it was new. It died back to a spec. That spec then grew into a 2 sq ft forest. I amtold I have dirty water because it grows so fast in my tank. It took it 4 or 5 months to just survive, a few die backs like yours then it took off. My only chnage was the alk adding baking soda every night to keep it up.