PLZ HELp science expiriment


New Member
Hello, i am a senior taking an aquatic science class, we have been assigned an original experiment in the subject, my team has chosen to do behavior of cat sharks i under stand there are different types.
im asking what would be the best for us to get? I am guessing a marbled or a bamboo
we have a very good tide pool tank the is roughly 330 gallons
i need to know everything i need for the recommended shark i have been doing research out the butt but it would be nice to have input from real people, treat me like i know absolutely nothing about sharks and tell me EVERYTHING i would possibly need to get i want to leave nothing out plz
(in case anyone was worried our experiment will be closely monitored by the instructor who is a very competent man and knows how to handle these kinds of things, i don’t know if he has a done a shark specifically but it would not surprise me)
thank you
PS ill take any links too good site on the subject too


Active Member
Originally Posted by guymn999

Hello, i am a senior taking an aquatic science class, we have been assigned an original experiment in the subject, my team has chosen to do behavior of cat sharks i under stand there are different types.
im asking what would be the best for us to get? I am guessing a marbled or a bamboo
we have a very good tide pool tank the is roughly 330 gallons
i need to know everything i need for the recommended shark i have been doing research out the butt but it would be nice to have input from real people, treat me like i know absolutely nothing about sharks and tell me EVERYTHING i would possibly need to get i want to leave nothing out plz
(in case anyone was worried our experiment will be closely monitored by the instructor who is a very competent man and knows how to handle these kinds of things, i don’t know if he has a done a shark specifically but it would not surprise me)
thank you
PS ill take any links too good site on the subject too
This might be a fun, I have some questions, what is a tide pool tank. Do you already have filtering equipment ect. What kind of budget do you have?
I think the biggest question I have is what are you going to do with the shark once you are done?
I think if you have to buy equipment skimmer, sump ect, then it may not financially feasable.


New Member
the budget is not a problem we have a good skimmer
the tank is filled with live sand and live rock
the pond is about 4'x5' 2feet deep
we are going to have to sell the sark back when we are done


Active Member
Originally Posted by guymn999
the budget is not a problem we have a good skimmer
the tank is filled with live sand and live rock
the pond is about 4'x5' 2feet deep
we are going to have to sell the sark back when we are done
If you already have a setup, and you are for sure the seller will buy back the shark. You seem to be on the right track, unless you need feeding and compatibility advise.


Active Member
Here's a little overview of keeping sharks/rays:
What kind of filtration do you have on this tidepool?
If you have any kind of sump I'd move most of the live rock into their, because the shark is going to need room to swim and all.
Your best canidate would be a coral catshark or marbled catshark. Email me at and I can give you get you in contact with some shark dealers if you want.


New Member
the pond does not use any filtration, uses live rock and live sand, also my teacher would prefer us to keep the shark so no worries about what we are doing with it is in good care!:)
also what would be the best way to arrange the tank?
i know it likes a caveto sit in but should i have a lot of open landwere it is just sand or perhaps make an island in the middle for it swim around?
and another qwestion(srry!)
our expiriment is on feeding habits, ive found plenty of sessile food but any suggestions for live food? anything natural to its natural enviroment, or is it a scavenger


Active Member
Originally Posted by guymn999
the pond does not use any filtration, uses live rock and live sand, also my teacher would prefer us to keep the shark so no worries about what we are doing with it is in good care!:)
also what would be the best way to arrange the tank?
i know it likes a caveto sit in but should i have a lot of open landwere it is just sand or perhaps make an island in the middle for it swim around?
and another qwestion(srry!)
our expiriment is on feeding habits, ive found plenty of sessile food but any suggestions for live food? anything natural to its natural enviroment, or is it a scavenger
Ok if you can't do mechanical filtration, then there is another filtration type which you're going to have to go for.
First of all get as much live sand, mud, rock, and some cheato in the tank. You may want to hid the cheato and mud behind some rock. How many lbs of rock do you have? For aquascaping a nice big rock island in the middle, giving the shark room to swim around it.


Active Member
Where are you? Life Salt water food is not easily buyable, you would pretty much have to catch it. I would seriously consider some sort of mechanical filtration. If you don't your going to be fishing out the leftovers of whatever you do feed them. Hands in the tank will add another factor to consider in behavior.


is this tidepool even running yet? you will need at least 6 months of the tank CYCLED to even attempt the shark. by then it will be summer and you will be inanother school.


New Member
tank is running, has been for over a year now,
i got 40lbs of live sand and 50 lbs of live rock to work with


Active Member
Originally Posted by guymn999
tank is running, has been for over a year now,
i got 40lbs of live sand and 50 lbs of live rock to work with
If you plan on using live rock and sand for filtration, you're going to need a heck a lot more.
Why not get a pufferfish or eel or something easier?


Well - with the size of pond/tank - I would suggest either the Marbled Catshark (Atelomycterus macleayi) or the Coral Catshark (A. marmoratus).
Both do well in tidal pool settings.
As for filtration - the Live Rock & Live Sand are good - also add some good Macro-algea(chaeto), and possible some miracle mudd in a refugium, along with the Skimmer. And you'll have anice basic tidal pool shark habitat.
Also - consider the following things -
- Look into getting a copy of "Aquarium Sharks & Rays" by Scott W. Michael - which well help with basic shark husbandary.
- usually fresh seafood(grocery store), or shark formula from the LFS - along with a shark vitamin.